Under interrogation, he admitted to having six imp familiars which he had ordered to sink a ship, killing fourteen men and though this admission was later retracted, it was to no avail and he was hanged along with the seventeen others found guilty. Still, there is no mention of what he did … The woman in the tale was Elizabeth Clarke, an old, poor widow with only one leg who lived in Manningtree. Basically this is a Matthew Hopkins … Matthew Hopkins, (born, Wenham, Suffolk, Eng.—died Aug. 12, 1647), English witch-hunter during a witchcraft craze of the English Civil Wars. It is clear that the details of Matthew Hopkins upbringing are shrouded in obscurity, however from the previous, we can speculate to a degree whilst remaining true to the facts we do have. Hopkins educational records are equally sparse, though from his later writings, we know that he could both speak and write English and Latin with a degree of competency. $30.16. The Salem witch trials followed in 1692–93, culminating in the executions of 20 people. Of these one hundred, thirty two were eventually found guilty. Free shipping . Bacon was a hardline puritan, Anti-Catholic and held considerable power in the region, where he served in several political positions. 4. Five others died in jail. They also relied upon villagers to identify witches in the first place, long… On their return to Scotland, the ship suffered violent storms, enough to force the Captain to dock in Norway for several weeks whilst they passed. Elizabeth Clarke was placed in Jail and Hopkins and Stearne went about the business of coaxing a confession from her. c) He used thumb screws on them. Rebecca asked him to kill John Hart, which was done accordingly. Close analysis of this tract shows that Hopkins's demonology is in fact part of mainstream English demonology, and that his methods were influenced by both elite and popular conceptions of the crime of witchcraft and of how to deal with accused witches. Go to Table In the same space of time that he killed around 20 men, Hopkins sent an estimated 200 women to the gallows. The now famous story follows King James VI as he voyaged across the sea to Copenhagen in order to marry Princess Anne of Denmark. Free shipping . Author: Matthew Hopkins. Matthew Hopkins took a leading role in finding and prosecuting witches during the East Anglia trials of the 1640s. A second method used by Hopkins and one which was the speciality of Stearne was named “witch pricking” whereby the accused would be pricked by a sharp needle and if no blood surfaced or no pain was felt, then Stearne would proclaim to have hit a concealed Devils Mark. Voice over credit: Michael Ayiotis ——————— Elizabeth Clarke was known in Manningtree as an unusual, unkempt, and eccentric character. Matthew Hopkins died in 1647, the Salem witch trials were 50 years later in 1693 and 1694. Crucially, it can be seen that the witches familiars were never seen to better the circumstances of the witch, only worsen the circumstances of their enemies. Catholics struggled to maintain their grip whilst protestant uprisings, driven by a core of Puritans fought for a simpler form of worship. Preternature is an interdisciplinary forum for the study of the preternatural as seen in magics, witchcraft, spiritualism, occultism, prophecy, monstrophy, demonology, and folklore. He received a letter from a man named Mr A. T. Percival, who claimed that: “As a youth he worked as a clerk for a ship owner at Mistley and it was through this experience that he gained the chance later to buy some property in Mistley, which included an interest in the old Thorn Inn. This allowed Hopkins and Stearne to carry out several practices to aid in gaining a confession. Read your article online and download the PDF from your email or your account. They kept Elizabeth for four days and four nights in a jail cell, and carried out a  practice they called “watching”, an innocent enough title, however the reality was far more sinister. All rights reserved. His father’s will was also signed by the executor, a man by the name of Nathaniel bacon. Pendle was infamous and though at the time, it caused fear, this gave way in time to satire, dramatisations and eventually even comic caricature. They would fly on a broomstick at night. Discovery of Witches : Contemporary Account, 1647, Paperback by Hopkins, Matt... $9.48. This was a mood that would sharply change as the wars raged and society broke down in the hamlets and towns around England however, and the Pendle trials would plant violent seeds that would help lay the groundwork for what was to become the most brutal series of witch trials in European history, all of which would be headed by just one man, aided by an amended Witchcraft Act that very much played to his carefully crafted MO, Matthew Hopkins, the self-proclaimed Witchfinder General. Elemanzer, Pyewacket, Peck in the Crown and Grizzle Greedigut were just some of the recorded names of Animal Familiars found to have roamed in the small area, communing with this large volume of sorcerers in dark alleyways, or more than likely in the minds of the accusers and even in some cases, they were simply household pets. [6] Matthew Hopkins, The Discovery of Witches (London, 1647), 2--cited hereafter as "Hopkins." My Grandfather was a member of the Fitch family and he used to say that the phrase quoted in Notes and Queries was misleading. The self appointed "Witch-Finder General" lived at Manningtree in Essex and in the two year period from 1645 to 1647 set out to eradicate witchcraft in East Anglia with great zeal. He stood by Lowes as a Godly man and contested his innocence after his death. In the handful of cases when the accused passed Hopkins tests, all accusations were dropped immediately and simple death was not a driving force, for if a victim died during the tests and interrogations, hopkins risked the law turning upon himself and would equally lose money he otherwise would have gained from a successful guilty sentence. The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Discovery of Witches, by Matthew Hopkins This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. In September of 1645, the Witchfinder General committed his most notorious act. 20 shillings are 1 pound. Lastly, we can say that it is more than likely he would have been aware of the witchcraft traditions of the area, which ran deep. The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Discovery of Witches, by Matthew Hopkins This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. Strangely he did not introduce burning at the stake as was the Scottish practice. 1 pound in 1630 is worth approximately £2,370.00 today At a time when the average daily wage was 2.5 pence, these were extortionate sums. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions A witch-hunt or a witch purge is a search for people who have been labeled witches or a search for evidence of witchcraft, and it often involves a moral panic or mass hysteria. This article will also explore Hopkins's demonology and methods through a critical reading of his pamphlet The discovery of witches. It is also fair to say that he had some knowledge of the law, more than likely gleaned from working as a Clerk, though as an actual Lawyer seems a stretch to a certain degree and one might further assume that as a lawyer, he would almost certainly have left a greater paper trail. It is not certain how Hopkins became involved with hunting witches, but records show that he was working on destroying anything that could be related to the “works of the devil”. Torture was an illegal practice in 1645, however, there were very few sympathisers with an accused witch, not least due to their initial unpopularity with the local population and besides, there was very little structured authority to uphold such laws anyway. This in itself began to cause problems as it was not only costly, but difficult to manage at a time of war. This point is telling in itself and when paired with the often outcast and downtrodden nature of the vast majority of the accused, it becomes apparent that personal grudges and puritanical beliefs were a driving force behind many accusations. In his short career as witch hunter, spanning less than two years, Hopkins was responsible for between 200 and 300 women trialed as a witch, making up 60% of all witch trials between the early 15th Century and the late 18th Century. The "Witch-Finder General". Select a purchase Given his family’s ties with shipping interests in the area, as evidenced in his father’s will dated 1634, having some French or Flemish ties it would not have been unusual to seek higher education on the continent and would once again explain the lack of any formal educational records for Hopkins. How did the Catholic Church Help Kick Start the Witch Craze? This mass rounding up of undesirables became known as the Chelmsford Trials and culminated on the 29th July, 1645 with 32 guilty, 29 of which were condemned to hanging. Perhaps unsurprisingly given the misogyny of the time, one of the most well documented cases undertaken by Hopkins during his siege of Bury St. Edmunds and perhaps the most important in his undoing, was of a male witch, Reverend John Lowes, an 80 year old minister. Matthew Hopkins the Puritan. The devastating, drawn out and complicated years of turmoil created a vacuum at the heart of society as traditional hierarchies, cornerstones across communities and most importantly for today’s tale, legal systems crumbled. The Discovery of Witches: A Study of Master Matthew Hopkins Commonly Called Witc. 22.18. Aldeburgh paid him £6 for clearing the town of witches, Kings Lynn £15 and a grateful Stowmarket £23. Hopkins would later justify this treatment as necessary to find evidence of visitations from their familiars, which, according to his writings, often happened. (Witchfinder Fact 1) The activities of the Essex Witchfinders took place between 1645 and 1647. Clearly sorcery was an epidemic, Stearne and Hopkins switched roles, Stearne became his assistant and second in command and they added three more members to their crack squad, Mary Phillips, whose speciality lye in finding Devils Marks, Edward Parsley and Frances Mills. One of the most remarkable episodes to come out of the European witch craze was the panic that gripped East Anglia, England from 1645-1647. A nod to a question of guilt was all that it took for the sleep deprived, emotionally distressed, starved and exhausted prisoner to be found guilty and thrown in prison to await their trial. Gender was an important factor in determining if you survived a meeting with Matthew Hopkins. Courtesy of Wi kimdeia Common. He was the 4th of six children. One such man was Matthew Hopkins who nobody had heard of before. gaps in. Until around 1440 witchcraft-related prosecutions in Europe centered on maleficium, the concept of using supernatural powers specifically to harm others. People began to express concern over the manner in which admissions were being withdrawn, along with the sheer volume of witches being rounded up and the treatment that Hopkins and Co. were dealing out towards those accused. In the book, he wrote of the accused: “Every old woman with a wrinkled face, a furrowed brow, a hairy lip, a robber tooth, a squint eye, a squeaking voice or scolding tongue, having a rugged coat on her back, a skull cap on her head, a spindle in her hand & a dog or cat by her side, is not only suspect but pronounced for a witch”. Matthew Hopkins, the self-appointed Witchfinder General, was based in Manningtree & Mistley during a dark period of English history – the time of brutal witch-hunts. As the dark nights drew in, Hopkins and Stearne arrived in Ipswich. After Chelmsford he set off for Norfolk and Suffolk. for example, the Monks Eleigh Parish Register contains the following entry: 'December 19 1748. His mother, Marie Hopkins was born to a Huguenot family who had left france in 1572, when 40 thousand Huguenots left france following the St. Bartholomew’s day Massacre and settled in East Anglia, the region of England encompassing Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. He also visited Ipswich and shortly after Aldeburgh where he was paid £6 for his services, before moving on to Stowmarket where he charged £23. In 1644, Matthew Hopkins crossed paths with a man named John Stearne. They summon demons to help do their evil bidding. Hopkins rode through East Anglia, clearing towns of witches wherever he was invited. Naturally, they were in most cases simple blemishes of the skin, scars, liver spots, warts or any number of skin ailments, however as long as they were out of place, they would be deemed as evidence enough. Gaule set about collecting evidence of Hopkins torture and used it as a centre point when he wrote and published a book named “Select Cases of Conscience Touching Witches and Witchcraft”. Matthew Hopkins, assumed the title of Witch-finder General in 1645. Witches were believed to fornicate with the devil, kill babies, drink blood, desecrate the cross and conjure demons. There is reason to believe that this was the noted Matthew Hopkins, Witch Finder General to the associated counties, who had frequently been mentioned by various writers. Agricultural professions thrived in the rural areas, skilled craftsman were plenty with every town and hamlet boasting blacksmiths, gunsmiths, tailors and weavers. Elizabeth Clarke (c. 1565–1645), alias Bedinfield, was the first woman persecuted by the Witchfinder General, Matthew Hopkins in 1645 in Essex, England.At 80 years old, she was accused of witchcraft by local tailor John Rivet. As 1646 began to draw to a close, The reverend John Gaule, a Puritan cleric of Great Staughton preached openly about Hopkins actions and even begun to associate Hopkins himself with demonic actions. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.org. Hopkins life was as short as his career and despite modern legend that he was captured and hanged for witchcraft himself, the reality of his death was much simpler. These names were, according to the seemingly unimaginative Hopkins: “Names no mortal man could invent.” And with the admittance of guilt, Elizabeth Clarke was condemned to trial. He was present at many of the interrogations of the accused, some of which involved brutal tortures, and became convinced that not only was their witchcraft genuine, but that they had tried to kill him by sinking his ship on his return with his new bride from Denmark. After his death, the perception of witchcraft and sorcery gradually changed and the trials slowly declined. of Contents. Bestowing upon himself the job title of “Witchfinder General”, his was a short career spanning just two years, however what it lacked in longevity, it made up for in results. He believed that he found that there were seven or eight witches regularly practicing their dark arts close to his house. Matthew Hopkins died in 1647, the Salem witch trials were 50 years later in 1693 and 1694. Hopkins's methods and demonology, and the witch-hunt itself, have been described as an aberration in English witch prosecution, due to Hopkins's use of “continental” demonology and extreme measures. It seems fair to assume that his family would have been fairly well off and that he would have had a religious Puritan upbringing. Hopkins and Stearne did not need to catch the accused in the act of any demonic activity, they simply needed a confession that they had, somehow or another communed with a demonic force, including an animal familiar. The scene was set for him to embark on his most famous and peculiar of careers. Folk belief and religious devotion created a heady mix and In 1582, Brian Darcy had overseen the St Osyth Witch Trials. Witches killed children and used their fat to make up magic potions. It was the single biggest mass-execution for witchcraft in English history, and it was all the work of one man. They used the broomstick to fly to witches meetings called asabbat. a) 200 b) 300 c) 500 4) How did Matthew Hopkins torture his victims? Recall the key points of the Malleus Maleficarum. Fill __ the _____. But let’s not kid ourselves. Traditional legal systems had broken down.The weather was noticeably poor all round with wet summers and cold winters bringing sickness and poor food production, whilst inflation eroded wealth. With the need for the law to highlight such misdemeanors and lay out punishments in writing, one can assume that the act of witchcraft itself was rampant throughout Britain, at least in the minds of the devout. $25.13. up to 20 shillings for each. With religious schisms affecting many countries, as well as assorted territorial or dynastic wars, uncertainty and paranoia were rife within society, as was religious z… At the same time, she named five other witches from the village, Anne West and her Daughter Rebecca West, Anne Leech, Helen Clarke and Elizabeth Gooding. Hopkins and John Stearne took on the role of investigators, stating that they had seen familiars while watching her. Throughout his travels hitting larger towns, he also stopped in King’s Lynn where he charged £15 and many other small hamlets and villages. For … It was rumoured that Matthew Hopkins had ‘The Devils Book’, a directory of all the witches in England. Firstly, Hopkins is not a good guy. Matthew Hopkins was the best known witch finder in England. I do not believe the people burned at the Salem Witch Craft Trials were witches. Matthew Hopkins – On the Discovery of Witches – Matthew Hopkins published pamphlet regarding criticisms he received for his witch hunting. a) He kept them awake for days. Intro. He found that rather than saviour of the people, he was now being viewed as suspicious in his own right and condemned by the men of power throughout the region. While researching the last six months or so I’ve read an awful lot about this conman, serial killer and utter shitbag. Of the suspects Matthew Hopkins managed to convict, 100 witches were from the eastern counties. When James became king of England upon the death of Elizabeth I in 1603 he was shocked to discover that many of his subjects were more sceptical than he was about the power of witches. They reimagined a common practice from past trials named “swimming” and had the accused tied from thumb to their opposite big toe, they then tied a rope around their waist and with one man on one side of a body of water and a second on another, they “swam” the victim by dunking them in the water, those that sank were innocent and those that floated were accused of casting aside their baptism and so now, as they had repelled the lord, the water too repelled them, outing them as a witch. In reality this had the knock on effect of working as a macabre form of promotion and these small towns queued up to pay him vast sums of money to clear out their witches. Together with his henchman and fellow ‘Witch-Pricker’ John Sterne, in just 14 months, Hopkins was responsible for the condemnations and executions of some 230 alleged witches, more than all the other witch-hunters that proliferated during the 160-year peak of the country’s witchcraft hysteria. 17th century was deeply patriarchal and misogynistic so it was easy for men to blame women for problems and accuse them of witchery as an easy way to practice their prejudices. The 'swimming' of witches was practiced right the way through to the end of the eighteenth century. Stearne had discovered a small sect of witches in Manningtree, where Hopkins was residing. Matthew Hopkins was considered to be part of this pro-parliament movement and would have have support in his push for social reform. In September he was in Yarmouth by special demand of the authorities where he was recalled again in December. Free shipping . This is Dark Histories, where the facts are worse than fiction. Hopkins is a man of mystery - barely any documentation exists to prove that he was ever born, or even died. Throughout European history, superstitious fear had long held a grasp over societies and culture, often when traditional structures broke down in times of strife. Within the space of a few months, Hopkins had over 200 alleged witches awaiting trial locked up in jails throughout East Anglia. I was always told by my Grandfather that the so called Fitch manuscript was really only part of several diaries compiled by W.S Fitch of Ipswich and that the item in the notes and queries was only partially correct. In the 1600s there were many ways to make a living. Marginalised groups made up the core of Hopkins “witches” with old women, widows, orphans, the poor and the homeless most often feeling the sharp stab, or perhaps blunted push, of Stearnes witch-pricker. A fever came to their village in 536 and Matthew's wif… He detailed his first run in with witchcraft as such: “The Discoverer never travelled far for it, but in March 1644 he had some seven or eight of that horrible sect of Witches living in the Towne where he lived, a Towne in Essex called Maningtree, with divers other adjacent Witches of other towns, who every six weeks in the night (being alwayes on the Friday night) had their meeting close by his house and had their severall solemne sacrifices there offered to the Devill, one of which this discoverer heard speaking to her Imps one night, and bid them goe to another Witch, who was thereupon apprehended, and searched, by women who had for many yeares knowne the Devills marks, and found to have three teats about her, which honest women have not”. His parents, James Hopkins and Marie Hopkins were both devoutly religious Puritans and his father worked as the minister for St. Johns church of great Wenham. Cheers! Title: The Discovery of Witches. He was an impoverished lawyer coming from a strong puritanical background who had moved to Manningtree in Essex, in 1644. He was determined that this crime against his royal person should not escape punishment. For everyone else, a years imprisonment was deemed punishment enough. As established, the 17th Century was no stranger to strife and as such, a devoutly religious population began looking back at these old traditions steeped in folklore, seeking to find a comprehendable answer for complex problems. Matthew Hopkins profitted greatly from witch-hunting which had no evidence behind it. Royalist figures, such as Prince Rupert of the Rhine, who had gained notoriety through rumour and hearsay for their warring ruthlessness were charicutured into demonic forces and as the imagery persisted, so to the superstitions grew. - HeritageDaily - Archaeology News The sabbat would have thirteen members, as a way of mocking Jesus and the last supper. The Fitch manuscript also made it clear that Hopkins received some of his education in Holland and that it was from the low countries that he obtained the idea of becoming a witch hunter.”. In this book, he questioned the existence of Imps and animal familiars, made distinctions between the good workings of a magician and the spells of a witch and scathingly, took Hopkins treatment of those accused to task. Certaine Queries answered, which have been and are likely to be … In 1735, the witchcraft act was replaced by a further amendment which instead charged witchcraft as a form of con-artistry, and labeled offenders as practicing the pretense of witchcraft rather than witchcraft proper. In the 1600s there were many ways to make a living. $30.16. As far back as the late 10th Century saw an unnamed woman and her son drowned at London bridge for falling under suspicion of witchcraft. May have been a few, they did not deserve to be killed like that unless committed a crime which at the time merited the death penalty other than practicing witchcraft.. His career in witch hunting are obscure, but it appears to have come about after he had moved to Essex in 1644. 22.18. If you enjoy the podcast, please consider leaving us a review over in itunes or your app of choice. Nationally in this period, 112 people were hanged for witchcraft – 82 coming from Essex. It has been estimated that tens of thousands of people were executed for witchcraft in Europe and the American colonies over several hundred years. He was subsequently found to have a teat on his head and two beneath his tongue and was “swam” in very public fashion in the moat of Framlingham Castle. They were convicted of causing the death by bewitchment of … Potts's Discovery of Witches: In the County of Lancaster, Brand New, Free shi... $23.89 . The escorting fleets Admiral naturally blamed the storms on witchcraft and back in Denmark, several people were found guilty, after confession, of causing the storm using witchcraft along with casting out Imps to climb aboard the King’s ship. If you enjoy the podcast, please consider leaving us a review over in itunes or your app of choice. My next book features Matthew Hopkins, the self proclaimed Witchfinder General as the main baddie. The impact of religious change in the 17th century The Stuart period. The other was Sir Thomas Bowes. In fact, the illustration provided at the beginning of The Discovery of Witches portrays Hopkins standing in a room with two witches and a number of their familiars (see the next page). The act of 1604 might seem like only a slight change, however, by broadening the criteria for a successful conviction in this way, a witch no longer had to be caught, and more importantly proven, to be causing harm to another with sorcery. a) True b) False 3) How many women was Matthew Hopkins responsible for killing? In the will of one Daniel Wyles, dated 1619 is the following entry: “James hopkins, preacher of the word of God at Great Wenham and to his wife, leaving 6s 8d each to their children, James, Thomas and John when able to read a chapter in the new testament, to buy a bible.”, From this we know that Matthew was not born by 1619, suggesting he would have been born in the following several years with most sources attributing his birth no later than 1620. They set about Manningtree and the surrounding area interviewing over one hundred people accused in one manner or another of witchcraft and demonic communions. 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