
Piet Zwart Institute, The Netherlands                      Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
2017 – 2019, Cum Laude

Sabancı University, Turkey – BA in Visual Arts
2006 – 2011

Accademia Di Belle Arti di Roma – Italy
2011 Erasmus Exchange Programme


Can Serrat International Art Residency
Barcelona – August 2024
with Eathouse collective

SAHA Studio Residency Program
Istanbul – November 2023 – June 2024

Frans Masereel Centrum Residency Program
Belgium – 4 April – 16 May 2022

Piet Zwart Institute Alumni Research Residency
The Netherlands – 21 October – 6 December 2019

Wolfart Project Space
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2018
Residency with the artist collective KABA HAT

Apartment Project Berlin, Germany, Summer 2013
Residency with the artist collective KABA HAT

Awards & Grants

CBK R’DAM, Netherlands
De Praktijkbijdrage, 2023

Gemeente Rotterdam, Netherlands
Projectsubsidies Kunst en Cultuur 2023 / with Eathouse artist collective

Mondriaan Fonds, Netherlands
Project subsidy, 2022

Droom en Daad, Netherlands
Makersloket, 2021

Mondriaan Fonds, Netherlands
Corona Bridging Grant, 2021

CBK R’DAM, Netherlands
O&O Research and Development Award , 2020

William De Kooning Academy
Hybrid Publication Award , 2019

Initiatives and Collectives

-Vereniging W1555, Creative Community
W1555 is a housing association in Rotterdam. As a community we share the same vision on
how we want to live together, based on our social values and on existing concepts of
affordable living, diversity, ecological awareness and access to education and culture.

Eathouse is an artist cooking collective set up in 2020 by Ulufer Çelik, Merve Kılıçer, Vlada
Predelina, and Jake Caleb in Rotterdam. In their practice they explore the potential of food
as an artistic method. They do this to instigate dialogue in ways that the culinary informs the
social. They have hosted public events, kitchen takeovers, fundraisers and online

Uncontained Art is a Rotterdam-based art collective build inside/around a shipping
container. The container will be traveling around carrying cultural goods, ideas and stories,
and will connect creative thinkers from diverse port cities. Merve Kılıçer is the chair person
for this foundation established in 2022 and supervises the development of the project.

KABA HAT is an artist collective originally from Istanbul. They produced collective work
actively from 2011 until 2020. At the moment their activities are on hold, nevertheless they
still continue the conversation.

Selected Exhibitions and Publications

Gayr-ı Meskun Mahaller
Mersin, Ahmet Yeşil Art Gallery
8 March – 28 April 2024 – Group Exhibition

Scattered: Hidden Narratives Through Archives
Amsterdam, Framer Framed
2 March – 16 April 2023 – Group Exhibition

All Water Falls into Language
Istanbul Kıraathane Literature House
6 October – 19 November 2022 –  Group Exhibition

Rounded by Sleep
Istanbul – Arter
19 May 2022 – 29 January 2023 – Group Exhibition

Balanced we were / Never to be
Rotterdam – Available & The Rat
2022 – Solo Show, funded by Mondriaan Fonds NL

Herbarium Collection
Sofia Arsenal, Museum of Contemporary Art
2021 – Group Exhibition

Online cinema series #2
Rotterdam – Tent Platform For Contemporary Art
January 2022 – Online film screening

Hear Drops, Stichting Sign
Groningen – 2020 – Group Exhibition

To That Special Someone, Part II, Hotel Maria Kapel
Hoorn – 2020 – Group Exhibition with the curation of at7

Fresh Myths, Different Times, Corridor Art Space
Amsterdam – 2020 – Duo show with Ulufer Çelik

Midnight Sunburn, Het Nieuwe Instituut
Rotterdam – 2019 – PZI MFA Graduation Exhibition

Sonic Eggs, Wolfart Project Space
Rotterdam – 2018 – Group Exhibition

Accidentally Sonic, Swimming Pool
Sofia – 2018 – Group Exhibition

No sound from the sea no scent of salt in the air, Wolfart Project Space
Rotterdam – 2018 – With KABA HAT* artist collective

Libri Tutti, Stamperia del Tevere
Rome – 2017 – Group Exhibition

In the Blink of a Bird, Depo
Istanbul – 2017 – Group Exhibition

An Imaginary Conversation, published in the art magazine Sanat Dünyamız as 27th edition of
Fragmentations Project, Turkey – January 2017 – Commissioned

Aralık (2) Photography Book Launch and Exhibition, in TOZ (Artist Run Space),
Istanbul – 2017 – Group Exhibition

Freundschaftsspiel Istanbul, in Freiburg Museum für Neue Kunst
Freiburg – 2016 – Group Exhibition

Printed’16, in Mixer Gallery
Istanbul – 2016 – Group Exhibition

14th Istanbul Biennial
Istanbul – 2015 / Te commissioned piece for the Biennial was included to Ayşe Umur’s private collection