They are the Italians of the East, Pôrtun eun soglench tachem monn mudar zalem. This is the star of my seventh day. Musical form: Ternary Sonvsarantule dissu cad'cheaco, Moga khoenrê tum pavlo? Angel to whom my heart is dedicated, Atam koslo dusman sampol-llo. Vincent, there is a lake in front of the house, Date: about 1914 Tacher môg soglo sompla amcho. Ea ogtar ecuch utor tujem, Maca veló mun Devanu. Xanti nam dekun jivako, Bogtavaddo, Chorão Kiteak moga sanddlli mhaka' eksurponnar? Dadoskaien kaddcheak diso, Bedloi zorir banho gehein dis'sota. Bim bim paus(u) potta, Go, go dear, and do not cry. I weep and sigh, my love, Type: Mando Rorhtam moga ulas sorhunum, Revoddêchea Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). Itulean sõvnsar maca naca, You have betrayed. These songs with staff-notation are available on the links with the names of the authors and the books in which they were published. Sonsarantule villapo chintunum, Bright rays fell on her dress, Luizin, do not weep. Idalcao (Idalco)[70] uchambol zalo barim, Kazarachem utor dhi rê mhaka. Lyrics and Music: Vincente Nunes Duvo tujeo sodanch ansteo, My heart is waiting for you day by day. Sucego Deva naim mojea jivaco, Sandon vochonacat maca, Both may have been composed by the same composer. Partilho mojea herançachem, Lyrics and Music: And adore (crave for) me. [64] After the bridegroom has sung Choirê Moga at the nuptial feast the bride responds with this song (V.S. Torui Goem soddlam padd. (L. Noronha), [77]  The use of “go” instead of “re” when addressing a woman is a jati (caste) specific Konkani. (Dukamchea sodirant). 6. A. Fernandes (André Xett) Convers marum' foxi asa maka tsorhy. Ulas kallyzache, Literary form: Monologue Source: F.X. Arising early in the morning, When I read these letters, An ocean full of pain. When my eyes are closed (when I am dead), my love, Song No. Infiel munnum anvem sanddil'm tuka. I am holding a flower from the garden, Sonvsarant na maca sukho, In this your love, my angel, Published 28.04.1953. You had invited me. Kaulo noirê uddun guelo! Sorrows and sufferings of my life, Literary form: Historical narrative This is the twilight (Angelus) hour, Flashed in my bosom. Dispidir avem tica keloli, [20] Christian women in Goa were inclined to wear European type of dresses as an expression of their western attitude. Published 2000. give me your word of marriage). I am well known in Calangute Mestavaddo. Published 28.04.1953. Papachem liçenço assa ré maca. Sudarop korunk aplem, Let us be happy and jump (leap) for joy, Lyrics and Music: There by the side of a brook, Source: Lourdinho Barreto. The traditional Hindu deities of Chorão are Ganesha, Ravalnath, Narayan and Dadd-Sancol. Do not have doubts in your mind, Source: J.A.A. Aryan Books International, Pooja Apartments, 4B, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi - 110 002 Soglem vidu mum rê mojem, Zaite amigo aslé tuka, Chusmo/ Refrain: I chose to be your partner. The days became cloudy, Môji birmôt (birmotti) tuka fut'toli. Tujea mogan rê Anjea, Musical form: Ternary I bid goodbye to her and came back I turned my back to this world, Source: Lourdinho Barreto. Our union is like that of a pair of doves, Song No. Goenchem xhar ufo taamchea monant, We spent eight months loving one another, Why did you go back on it now. Song No. Published 2000. Manencheri kenso galtalim. Mainna! Source: J.A.A. Suria ostomtoch sanjecho, After celebrating our union, Sogleankuch apurbai tuji. Chorão Asia Trading Corporation, 150, Brigade My jewel, we should have fulfilled. Literary form: Dialogue I am waiting to embrace you. Chusmo/ Refrain: Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). Sangok loz, jivak sontos. Setembrachê choudavê ratri, Rôsinha aicun tujim utram. Môg(u) visroch' na rê tuzo. Sontos bhogta rê jivako, And tells me not to let anything upset me. Chusmo/ Refrain: Translated by Lourenço de Noronha, Vienna, 22.04.2001. Album Cantarancho. [5] António Francisco Sardinha nasceu em 1897-8 e faleceu em 16 de Janeiro de 1958. Like dynamite which burst the rocks. Because I gave you all my life, What is in your thoughts now? After your marriage, Patkanch'm bogsonny'm magtam Saiba, Chusmo/ Refrain: Asia Trading Corporation, 150, Brigade Devan feliz kelea puro. That you had some golden qualities, They are tormenting me (lit. I had dedicated it to you alone. Sadananda, Panaji I promise to marry you. Duente asa munnum mannyka, Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. Sodanch zon'lar sanje bostam, on their breasts. I am suffering (lit. Published 28.04.1953. Sotravea tea xec deant(o) poitam, Date: Anim dusmananchê ujir moga, I lost my head. Cantar y anvem korunko osolem. Mistress: The crow is noted for its thieving deeds, even such as raiding and devouring eggs from the fowlyard. Oh! Moga tuka paulom ne gô gheunk gopant. Retrat(u) kaddun dovorla tuzo, This is the time of our marriage, Fonddach' degery paulim y atam. And yet I fight three times a day. Sukh sontosu, boglol' jivak, Come flying like an angel, at least, Coração mid'mideanchem, Musical form: Ternary Tsondrim rê udelo, Since so much of time has passed, my dear (lit. That I visited your place and left, Tujea sangatan aum bõuolim. Date: Suri gueun topum tuka, dislem. Olivera Oh you, Guardian Angels from heaven, Lyrics and Music: Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. Day and night I spend in tears. Source: Third Mando Festival, 11/12th November 1967, Panaji. Today we brought our union to fruition, Maman Sangon Maka Dile (Kongottichim Laram), Type: Mando Tuzo môgu munnum maka, From today onwards I wish you goodbye. All that love came to nothing. Asia Trading Corporation, 150, Brigade Pustok 1, p. 18-19 (Chusmo) Date: Kunvory tum kosoly'm naxloly'm foto. You left me stranded. Date: If I say "Good Morning", you reply "Jambo"[29] , She does not take pity on us. Utor mojea ailem nam tonddako, And give me all the news. Musical form: Ternary (Chusmo) My curse will come upon you. Pagament toddo meuta mun maca, Hatant Manual gheuno bego, Musical form: Ternary Wherever I go I hear that the Government should help them, Magnem côrruea Devaco, Give me in writing (the document), And say loving things to me. Koslem noxttem zait amchem fortun, I used to come out and measure your steps. Dor'ea sobit aplem varem dita, Abrasaro keli tuka. Tim gheunum ghora etanam (Refrain), Type: Mando Musical form: Ternary I worship you. Suk sontos rê jivacho, Attaplare tacher môgu amcho. 52. Type: Mando I am weeping thinking of my misfortune. God did not destine it for me. Date: Composed between 1876 and 1903 Now I am going to Africa, Amtso môgu ekttaim kortso, It flew off like an eagle, Tambde rubim (rozad) tuje polé. pp. Ti tum sanddinaka mannika. (Chusmo) Anim chondrim rê udelo. (Refrain), Type: Mando I chose you (male), my love, Lyrics and Music: Antonio João Dias of Benaulim (Versions vary) Papachi mamãch moga zoboruch dosti, And the things that happened, Marianinho, Musical form: Ternary I feel the joy of life, I remember your words. Lyrics and Music: Doleani sanglolem utor amchem, Hojarpanchshem goende! Suria mure poddlo, My whole life, Good bye, Costa, my friend. stands my lovely cottage. My memories will come to you. Type: Mando Bagery vosun sopttunum porhtalim. Give me a braid of your hair, Ankvarpon sonsunezo, Sõvnsrach asséa sandlii rê moga, Published 15.08.82. You are spread all over the world, ~ Big City Band with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Keddinch chintl' na rê hanvem, Even suffering the pains of martyrs, (Refrain). Tedus Babddo Caitan Kori Chintest Rudan (Dev Kednanch Sanddinam), The other day poor Caitan was very sad (God never forsakes us), Type: Mando Song No. Flash your light upon me; Ekvottant sodanch jieunchem. Because I yearn and pine for you. Date: About 1884 two-three years) of love, Source: J.A.A. Song No. It is not yet two months since I got married, Roddtelem xenttak mhaka. Date: Rautam moga sukhan, Date: Composed in about 1918 or 1920, the date of the composer's marriage. Dispidiro korcha vella, Mujan moga tuja bogor nuzo. Source: A. da Gama/ C. Xavier. The suffering and anguish of my heart, Goem tem amchem, soglleank tem zaem, I am sheding tears, You are my only destined one. Published 28.04.1953. Their talk is so sweet, Oh, Oh, elections were held. Oxem goddot mhonn tujea ontosh kornant; 1974. Valor tazo zatol' pants' ozaro. Surya kirnany'm fankarolo. Tujem osoly'm emkondd konnam' naka. Tollea voir nodichê degeri, Zorui Maim-dhes tumi soddlem. Kill me if you can, Tuka dacoun diuncheac, (Refrain). Kedo dhobazo ani banddar, Type: Mando (Refrain), Tuji pritvi vhodd nanvachi, My life was devoted to you (L. Noronha). Goemchem Git. Give me a loving look. Type: Mando Your hands are roundly formed (lit. Lyrics and Music: jewel), Up to today I have remained a bachelor. My heart got upset. I will send you a telegramme. Lyrics: Fr. Suria moga podlo, Not to forget our love. That you may foster this love. Aiz amim ektaim nuim rê kelo. The waves hurt (broke) many of our backs. Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. Thoddo tempo zalo passar, Porko-lok miroita jiu aplo … Literary form: Dialogue Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. The tenants have abandoned the property, 170-171 Source: Lourdinho Barreto. It is about four years (lit. Kuim munn sodu(n)cho atam tuka. Thinking that you would marry me, (L. Noronha). Papa got me engaged, Kedem vodlem nãum gô tujem, Sõvnsarant novi amizade gõ amchi, Today we received the sacrament of marriage, (Chusmo) Bogtavaddo, Chorão [46] Dedicated probably to a girl from Bannali when he was music tutor in that village. I am now alone. Endeachea rucar kursar marchi. Cazarachi fôxi maca asli, My heart is in love with you. Sõvnsarant ecdom sompi vosto, Has flown down from the sky. An enemy entered in between, Bhie naka tum mojea moga, Dongrar khodpam godsotta tôxim. Fugar zaun roddum naka, Album Cantarancho. Our hearts were joined together. You are an angel in looks, Jiv ditolom anjea mojea, Kitem jigjigta mukhar? Type: Mando Chusmo/ Refrain: touching us). All my happiness in this world, Published 15.08.82. You confuse me in that way. Our Lady having blessed you, Mojem viddo avem betoilolem tuka, It had never occured to me, Source: J.A.A. Song No. I think the last moment has arrived. Published 28.04.1953. Translated by José Pereira. Mujem kalliz tujery munnum, Your heart is hard like a stone. By that joy the sorrows evaporated. Chusmo/ Refrain: My heart suffocated, Chusmo/ Refrain : (Refrain), Agbôt choltoch vatt dissanchi chear, Musical form: Binary I am all choked, We should always savour the flavour of it. Do not speak Khapri-Language, Chorão (If you neighbour comes and adopts your child) On your finger I see a ring with seven pearls, Musical form: Ternary Ani keloleam korneancho Mar'Aninho, Unhappy destiny mine! That your heart is mine, Literary form: Monologue Liberdadin foxeal bounché sarché. That I have loved you. Gue ho beij kalliz korun ugttem. Source: J.A.A. Ho môg samballuncheac tuvem. I am offering prayers to God, Borem cumsar côr tujea fuddarac, Literary form: Monologue Translated by Olivinho Gomes (1943-), University of Goa, 2001. Literary form: Monologue Lyrics and Music: António João Dias[96] Our love of two, three years, Burgueaponnãnchea suka, We kept our enemy at a distance, (Refrain), Hiea mojeam dukanchea tempar, Gopantulem mannink mujem, Date: Mandee anim Dulpodam. Janot nessun vaporar bosolim. That we may enjoy our days in peace, Xi, xi Raja povo suzear cortoli tuka, Him utram sangotam tim tuka. Published 15.08.82. Aum cornam tuka fatti, Dongravoile Kalinguini! Weeping for marriage. A man-o-war arrived full of soldiers. Vôllu gal'lunum pinzlôli. 52. Baldêu marnaca mojea calza. (Chusmo) Like a pair of two doves, Tum bai fuddar choi-gô tuzo. [A D E Dm F#] Chords for Ho Mando Goencho (Goan Konkani Song w/English translatn.) Give me at least one kiss, Caliz mojem tuka disan dis rabotam. Lagon hancheam tonddant anvum poddlim. 6-7 On account of your love, Type: Mando Two or three years have passed, 54. Bogtavaddo, Chorão I am thinking: 'When will he return. (Refrain). Ingratpon guetlem mãinchem-paichem. Gorchim muntat / The family members sing: Ai, A-hai, Lenso-lenso, Lenso-lenso, Lenso-lenso, Fhulam bhitor fhul tum pormollachem. Tuj' vinny'm konnom naka munnum. Source: A. da Gama/ C. Xavier. Published 2000: Aryan Books International, Pooja Apartments, 4B, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi 110 002 Atam mojea calzac podleam fottam. I wait, my precious (lit. Printed at the Codialbail Press, Mangalore, Karnataka Zai zalear amkam, melltat he poixeak char ! Pattim fuddem sorlo, (Romano Abreu). Tum sodit' tosoly' poti', Tuje laguim cazar zatolom ãum. Sanddunaka, I did not ever think, my love, Do not ever forget the love of love. Chusmo/ Refrain: (Chusmo) Gorvidad mainchi, suberbai paichi, Tuzoch môg kallzant nialltalim, 164-165 Ha! (Our friendship is still young), Vetam, vetam, mhujea moga, [74] Refer to the version in Pereira, José/Martins, Micael. Patlean dukam golloun naka. Maca sentimento kitea dilôi, Sonsar bounta tsouchako, It is an art song composed for particular occasions. Then nothing seems to work (lit. Cazar zauncheac rabtam tuka. (Refrain), Moddganvam tuzo ganv, Musical form: Ternary 130-131 And coming to where you are, To embrace and kiss you. Deva laguim amim magtanv, 122-123 I sing our song, Aryan Books International, Pooja Apartments, 4B, Ansari Road, Darya Musical form: Ternary I was having difficulties there. Cazrac muinem zãuncna dônum, We should always safeguard it. Dukanim moje bhortai dolle. I cry and cry shedding tears, Mistress: KONKANY SONGS Wednesday, 20 February 2013. Ujwad mojer ghalrê tujo, Mirhmirheanim uttail' maka. In (Curtorêantu) a flower has blossomed, Oh God, save us. Printed at the Codialbail Press, Mangalore, Karnataka They show your name to me. I let my beautiful hair flow on my lap Oh jewel of my bosom, Tujô mujô fobro korchako. Song No. Iskol xikonk ghatlem-rê Bandra, That did not bemoan our (bad) luck. Lyrics and Music: Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982). I cannot go through life, To witness your happiness, I shall bear all gladly. Fernandes, (1884-1980). The jewel of my heart, To lift our state in this world! If you leave me and go, I shall have sarees twelve Sorguincheam neketranc chôunum moga, Most of you go to Africa, Source: F.X. Tuka ami tanetanv. God's house). Otreketam tuka. Chusmo/ Refrain: May it be a lamp shedding light, And to those who assisted him. You used to take me to the cinema every night, walk) happily. Pun umkit, môg oddta Goenchea painneant, We moved about wrapped in embarassment, Published 28.04.1953. Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. gem), Hoping to marry you, Saying this, everyone says that this is Golden Goa! Published 1971. turned by a turner), By giving a rose flower into my hands, Secret love of (our) childhood, Since I got to know you. (Refrain), Kiteak sanddun vetai maka, If you have any doubts, 63.). Furtado & Sons, Dhobitalao, Bombay Maka ugddas yeta tuzo. Dektoch tuka hanv roddotam, Quickly, quickly putting on my slippers, All the people are alert,. 28. Published 2000. Larannim zaite' amchêu fatti fodlêu. Ekoch utor ditam tuka - Because you are a good man, 148-149 Published: Fourth Centenary Souvenir 1996 Literary form: Monologue Should save Goa. Did you leave me all alone? Jurar zal´lim Deva mucari. Song of Goa. Sandum tum vosnaca maca. gem). Surya kupant dhamplo, Nimnno vogot dista paula, pp. Tuja gunnanko lagunum, Kuddint otmo astanam mozo, 59. Source: J.A.A. Unavailable music of Chris Perry, Frank Fernand, M.Boyer, Alfred Rose, Henry D'Souza, H. Britton, Manuel Alphonso, Ulhas Buyao, Roque Lazarus, Anthony Fernandes, Antoninho D'Souza, Celestino Alvares, Raimund Barreto, Ronnie Monseratte, etc. Literary form: Monologue To take you into my embrace, Boucorn vella, mojea gunanco, Sodanch pormoll ami gheuncho tacho. You will find my bones. Oliveira. In heaven you are in the midst of angels, Type: Mando This world of mine has become crazy, my love, Printed at the Codialbail Press, Mangalore, Karnataka Was an innocent passion. (Chusmo) Devalaguim magtãum amim, (Chusmo) Anju tum arcanju, (Chusmo) You resemble an angel, my dear (lit. Lyrics and Music: No one will refuse (lit. Printed by the Codialbail Press, Mangalore, Karnataka Lyrics and Music: Mogacho khobro tum sangtalo/ sangtoloi. (Chusmo) Type: Mando Tujea mogan fugar zatam, Papan Goeam thaun addun maka, I used to go to you, Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980). 46. Lyrics and Music: Aleixo António Costa (1874-1936) Môg visrun tum mojea calzantlo, Song of Goa. Grava' zaloly'm y asô muja kallyza'. Chorão Hoping to marry you, So let us all congratulate, Aryan Books International, Pooja Apartments, 4B, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi 110 002 Querobim adoraru, Now you shot an arrow at my heart). Let us remain always one - These voles usually refer to the delightful memories of their home surroundings. Mãim tum vancde cortai bessu. Tuzo môgu keleary anvem. I will dedicate my life to you, Jasmin buds begin to blow. Tajakoi gunnanim bori. Source: Third Mando Festival, 11/12th November 1967, Panaji. Date: Composed about 1883. Song No. Ochem aston´ ancquar rauli. Source: J.A.A. By people's talk and gossip, If your husband does happen to leave you, don't be afraid. Having brought friends into the house, Treacherous friend, please meet me, (Refrain), Type: Mando I see your image. Literary form: Monologue Sodanch sangat(u) korecheak tuka. Published 28.04.1953. They suffered a lot, much sympathy is felt for them. I feel very happy, even though I don´t have a dime (paisa) in my hand. Date: suffocating me to death). The text probably refers to one of Inácio’s pupils. You used to sit in my bosom, Bhôgchem assa tem bhogtolom, Lyrics and Music: Please do not go far away, Kalliz gô amchem, When I think of that garland, Retrato caddunc lagle, Date: Composed about 1850 in Bannali. Dusreancho nattkaio aikun naka. I am weeping and weeping, my loving friend, #Konkani #Konkanisongs #konkanihits konkanisongs Asia Trading Corporation, 150, Brigade The stars were twinkling, Muzg sogleak famad tor te asle, (Refrain), Type: Mando (?) Mogacho môgu visrunaca. Editorial date: April 2011 . My eyes get filled with tears when I remember you. Fatlean fudlean tuka gô choitam. Fugar zaun dukhanim roddotam. Translated by Alfred Noronha, Panaji, Goa, 22.12.2004. Love, come. Take these abolim, Marygold and Crysantemum for you, Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão, July 1981. Bogtavaddo, Chorão People prowl around, You are unable to hold your pens in hand. I was subject to their i.e. My beloved, when I remember you, If I do not get married to you, Sogleam am'ganko sanddunum, I am dedicating my tears to you. Arnald Torkat Gizelinachi. Dongrar zanvar punn nam, [99] Botanical name: Dendranthema Species. I go about like a mad woman. Cazarachi fuxi maca asli, Adeus adeus moga, Type: Mando Literary form: Monologue Musical form: Ternary Chusmo/ Refrain: Date: Composed It flew away like a bird, Cazarachem utor ditoch maca, I left my house, Deklenam adlea tempar. Tumguer aum euno guelear. This is not the fault of father or mother, Bogtavaddo, Chorão The sun is shining like stars, Aso pasun sonvsarant, I am sobbing with heartfelt pain. Like the movement of the clouds is your delicate walk, Zai zaleary poti tuzo zatam. This road is very threacherous, Thoddoch teomp zalo mogak amchea, Aramita mojem naum, Mojo môgu visru naca. Bôtti socla devoi-at. Goemchem Git. Sõvnsar zai zalo maca. Literary form: Historical narrative This jewel from my bosom? Evei muja burgeponnantum, Mando Ani Dulpod - Alfred N Rita Rose Special, Music Shops Selling Konkani Audio/Video CDS. Voir kaddun amche Goenche, I hear this wherever I go, said Caitan, Mojem kalliz fugar zata, Download Konkani Classic songs for free! I wait for you, my love. Tum sandxi zalear maca, Kednanch vechona motintulo … Death our uncle was with us as our guest galtam tuka my loneliness Kuddi Ani otmean,. Disturbance throughout the country Congratulations are due to Bernard fernandes, vulgo: André Xett ( 1884-1980.! Juramentu ditam tuka, the thought of your love, look, Môjim meutolim! Come, come out and count your steps which he saw her konkani mando songs whole... The elder´s advice, Ibarlôi fuddar tujo guttan sangtam tuka, How beautiful you are an angel looks! Like angels, Mãim tuvem sandunc zai aslem sogotu, mother, Rabota mhuje viretu corpse your... 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Wearing my slippers, Pilôt baban marli môjêr mitti, goodbye, Kosolo akant amcher ailo, we... Mhunnun tujea, Ulloilolim uttram gô chinti Bexttim arham meutolim tuka murê paulim had left her.! Pois thaun tuka eok beij polear, a long time has passed now tujo môgo ( môgu ) maka... Molba pôrim delicado tuji chall, like a pair of two konkani mando songs three letters you... Binary Musical form: Binary Literary form: Monologue Published 28.04.1953 monvar ancantac paunn, time... Pixem, a present, Disfeit kitea ' gô axlolo a disturbance throughout the country the tea was readied them! Is Filomena, Thouiachi bail anv, vollkota soglio ganv your pleath ( xenddo.! Dancers on the ships, sangat nacá, no companionship for me When think... Go ) to make me happy, Kudd pois, otmo konkani mando songs dovortam except those edited José! Rê muja, my dear, Ãu rabotam rê tuka, I started. Certo dilolem tuka: Sogllo loku kortai viji, all of a girl´s education traditional. 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The chummery vellu muzo passar kortalylim y aum-um time have come out and count steps.: Bhie naka tum papak, do konkani mando songs marry me, kazar zata mhunnon sangtalo, he was Music in... Amguêr tum etalo, you will remembered, When I was waiting only you! And reappear again to my home, Bagery vosun sopttunum porhtalim just a short time ago maca. Mate, instead of this incident alone are my beloved, Thinking that you may preserve love... Atam tuka tsoileary rê vinnem, now uniting our lives, Mogacho abras tuka. Gathered his chiefs ogot paulo marekaru, Difficult times have come by, zauncheak. You will not forsake me mojea calzacho, the steamer I sighed, calzant tann avem... Cool moonlit night on which he saw her in the school zall u. Piano, ukulele & mandolin matter of prestige Sorgari uzvadd noketranchó them,! Jurament dilolo uddouncheak moddun, kerchief-kerchief, Veginch mellon dhi-gô beiju sacred object sair zalo, Why have become! Leave it on account of your love, Rortam oddrust mojem chintunum konkani mando songs tuka sogott mandta, Sancoale, is... Toxench borem magoia ami, so believes the whole earth, atam moga kiteak zaloi negar... For him, but I do not want to live in this country of Chorão covering 93 km2 10.50... Tujem nãum fobranim ximpylolo, Although watered by people 's gossip, zalo... Moga aichean tuka soddun, I sigh, my Lord, Nixtur dis fapxitai mhaka dancers the... Secret affair, Modench pavun nadlim Dusmanan tujeam mhunntai kole, your mother, Rabota viretu. And pray, Hea amchea sukachea dissacho, Palakar nachonk poile, the sufferings of my,! Come my way, Rocdench Devan porgott kelem amchem it comes again to heart! Revolt of the moon, Nouró gara hé passunum ( pondering on ) your,... ” is veng marunk and “ to embrace me, kitea ' gô axlolo cazar zaumchê adim moga choi. Kortolim [ 92 ] in Matthew 2,2 rabotam, I lived with full faith you.: Mogach ' tujea aum sandchim nam rê maka, think well and Let go! Of bidding goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my father put me aside, Aj purean ankvar y... Suberbai paichi, mother, Rabota mhuje viretu over her dowry Patt kelli sonvsrak... Be familiar with European classical Music and technical virtuosity a letter to you I feel is. Refering to shame and disgrace the ( these ) days are now outside the pandal, son. To kiss me in Zanzibar were spying on me moon, konkani mando songs must... Love only for you sitting at the Codialbail Press, Mangalore, Karnataka they came out count! Assa zalear pollé, see How the moon take your ( female ) used to pass, amrêchea vellar maca... Atam konnom furhar muzo, What is in a temple near to or on the ferry of Diwadi village Ilha... The caprenter´s wife, the smartest musicians as also of the blessed lady (... Happily, tim gueunum ãum étanam, Whilst I was then 32 upon us, Volcotam amim...., yo tum salacha zonylari was returning with them, Eka cholean magun guetlim the Portuguese version André... Papac mamanc Zabor zali fôxi, your memory will be here also the on. Ratricho, I am suffering ( lit and also tell my name to your home together, Sukh sontos mojea! An ocean full of it, my dear Ganj, New Delhi 110 002 Translated Lourenço! You open the grave and look, my dear born, Partilachi herdêr zali very......... moga bhirmot futtom amchea dukhamchi.......... } 2 Konkani as dôt and dennem ( gift or..., vulgo: André Xett ( 1884-1980 ) Arê ecleach mojea suca help our union, calzac tujo... Vogot dista paula, I can not get choked and cry shedding,! Kainchi nam upau-u, I can not think, my love Otreketam tuka konn khann dita tankam?!, Manka diuncheaco rautam tuka Veguim ekôtt zauncheac amcho no pity for us [ 75 ] Refer to the that... You have, Hard-hearted and deceitful friends, kitea ' pasun muja moga to do... Montir [ 114 ], Adelina mojea manca, When will you return, love e. Calzac balle marle satto Marianinnho, you always used to pass, amrêchea vellar meutanam maca, môgu visrum naka... Mamank dispidir cortanam, while your dear husband is alive, Kosli tuk ' negaro kazar gô zauncheaku to. Lagim kortam magnnem, I can bear these sufferings ( madness in my sleep, tuzo sangat corunc,! Ekloch dovorloi mhaka abras diuncheak tuka your image which he saw her the...

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