It has been translated into over 100 languages. Certified translations are available upon request. The most popular literary works in the world are often translated into various languages to ensure that bookstores all over the world have copies of it and that people all of all cultures and languages are afforded the same opportunity to own a copy in their own language. There have been multiple Bibles published in the languages of Africa, China, Europe, France, India, Russia, and the languages of Native Americans. Lots of people today are interested in working part-time as a translator. The most translated website. When translating, it is logical that a professional translator will be needed, or an online program for that matter. To celebrate this accomplishment, every week the TED Blog is bringing you a Q&A with one of our most prolific translators. Apart from being the most translated book in the world, the Bible also holds the record for being the most read and bought book to date. Most of the people are found in Brazil. As a translation agency, we are in a fortunate position to be able to see trends and nuisances within the international business sector and relation to the demand in language services. Russian: this language is widely spoken in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Uzbekistan. We decided to take a closer look at the primary data available to us and see, which languages were in the highest demand last year, and whether there’s a correlation with UK’s main trading partners. The results of the most studied languages in America are always going to be skewed since most schools put very limited resources in language programs and, as expected, will offer only the most “useful” or relevant languages. It has been translated into at least 24 languages [*] and probably more. It also is the most used language in computers and technology. The story of a boy … Should you go for the most popular European ones? The GNMT system has improved the translation of the two most used language pairs – Spanish-English and French-English. This is the language that most documents are translated into. It recognizes 138 languages and will translate them in real-time. Besides having been translated into 469 languages, The Bible is the most read and sold book in the history of the world. The Bible is a collection of ancient religious texts … This page provides list of most translated individual authors to date sorted by the total number of translations. The Watchtower is translated into more than 190 languages, and Awake! Chinese: this language is spoken by 1197 million people. The organization has stated that more than 7,000 languages in more than 70 countries still need the Bible translated into their languages. No matter what country, community, race, or culture the reader belongs, good books have the power to touch the soul of any reader. Foreign languages translated by The Translation Company. At least one book of the Bible has been translated into 2,883 languages; the New Testament has been translated into 1,329 languages; and the Old and New Testaments together have been translated into 531 languages. Using the UNESCO Index Translation Database, which categories novels, plays, magazines and other literary forms by the quantity of languages they have been translated into, we present to you (from 20-1) the most translated texts in the world. Both – UK businesses targeting the French consumers as well as French organisations approaching the UK market regularly require professional translations. Most Popular Languages for Translation. English is the most spoken language in the world, with nearly 1.13 billion speakers (of whom about 379 million speak it natively). It is translated into 300 languages. The most translated book in history is the Bible. Languages have historically spread through trade, conquests, colonization, immigration, and cultural interactions. Javanese, German, Korean, French, Telegu, Marathi, Turkish, Tamil, Vietnamese, Only two comics, the adventure of Asterix and Tintin are exempted from the list of most translated books because all the books mentioned above are novels or stories. The following are some of the top 20 languages that are translated. This original Italian novel has fascinated Disney fans and the young generation around the world. The internet penetration rate in emerging countries is growing faster than ever. So, before deciding on these ten most popular languages for translation, you should think about the future. The release notes: On November 4, 2019,, the official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses, reached an unprecedented translation milestone—it now includes articles, videos, and audio content available in 1,000 languages, including 100 sign languages. In 2017, Google conducted large-scale surveys among regular GT users. 1. According to recent estimates, Wikipedia contains about 37 million articles and has been translated into almost 300 languages. The Declaration arose from the experience of WW II and was drafted on 10 December 1948. 20) Pippi Longstocking . Google. Arabic: it is also considered to be a macrolanguage just as Chinese. The Bible consists of two partitions: the Old Testament and the New Testament. Toska. Though it is known as Chinese, it is comprised of a dozen of dialects. We decided to take a closer look at the primary data available to us and see, which languages were in the highest demand last year, and whether there’s a correlation with UK’s main trading partners. Currently supported languages are English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese. In 2018, the demand for German translations have grown quite significantly, in a number of sectors, including technical and medical. both on LT and also in general. Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Jehovah's Witnesses official website,, is available in 1,004 languages, surpassing Google Translate, Facebook ang Wikipedia. The UN Human Rights office has received a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records stating that the Declaration has been translated into in 370 languages and dialects from Abkhaz to Zulu. Countries such as Poland, Hungary or Czech Republic (Czechia) have a GDP growth rate close to 4%, which is a good indicator of just how strong a market is and what the predictions for its future are, but at the same time, aren’t as saturated as UK, France or Germany – leaving business owners room to grow and expand. 5 Most popular languages to translate in 2018* The site translates between languages automatically and offers a text box that can accommodate input texts of any size. Differences between translators and interpreters, 5 most wanted languages by the UK employers, 5 Gifts Every Translator Would Love This Christmas, The crucial elements of translating a marketing campaign. Although the effectiveness of Google Translate largely depends on the text and language involved, it is the most popular translation website out there. One variable is location. More than 166 million people speak it. Then, the most translated short story would probably be “The Upright Revolution: Or Why Humans Walk Upright,” by Kenyan author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o. The World’s Most Translated Books | The Translation Company For you as a game developer, it can be difficult to decide which languages to select for localization and what parts of your game to localize. It has more than 100 million speakers. Originally written in biblical languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek, the Bible has been translated into 531 languages as of 2014. - Pangeanic We have dedicated translators on staff for all the major foreign languages. Almost wherever you go, the English language will be helpful. The Bible’s age is between 2700-1700 years and it was first So, the most authentic book translated into the most number of languages, is the Thirukkurrall, making Thiruvalluvar Naayanaar the most translated author as well. Such a dynamic environment brings in changes. In addition to translating into multiple languages to save you time, you can export into a JSON file type of CSV file type to use in spreadsheets. By looking at our data from the first quarter of 2019, we were also able to notice a clear pattern in the growing demand for a number of languages which were less popular in the previous years. The main dialect that is spoken and translated is the Mandarin that more than 848 million native speakers. Battery life. This form collects your name, email address and other contact details so our team can contact you regarding your translation requirements. It is also one of the most versatile translators. Beautiful in English | by Visual Cinnamon and Google News Lab Infographic about the most translated books in the world English . These devices are more prepared to handle different accents and pronunciation variations as well. But if these books are to be enjoyed all around the world they need to be translated into different languages first. [4] Even more impressive, parts of the Bible have been translated into 2,932 languages. It was originally written in Ngũgĩ’s native language Gikuyu, it was translated into 54 languages for Jalada Africa’s translation issue. The music was composed by Franz Xaver Gruber, an organist and choir director. To celebrate World Book Day we've created an infographic that takes a look at 50 of the world's most translated books, from The Alchemist (first … What Languages To Translate Your Game Into In 2021 (Trends & Insights) 2020-11-17 | Christoffer Nilsson. If you live in Saudi Arabia, the most profitable translation jobs are probably not the same ones as in the USA. Added 9 years ago by guest, -5 points . Songs about COVID-19 - part 1 This is collection of songs about COVID-19 and pandemia in any language. In April 2017, The Little Prince became the most translated book in the world with 300 translations after being translated into Hassanya, which is a North African variant of Arabic. Most translation tools simply translate the text into language which is not very convenient when you are trying to translate text into more than one language. Portuguese: this is a language that is spoken by more than 203 million native speakers. The most popular Christmas carol in many different cultures is also one of the most translated songs in the world. In accordance with this definition, surprisingly, the most translated is the official Jehovah’s Witnesses website Without translation, we would inhabit parishes bordering on silence. But the fact is this; the official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses is … Alice in Wonderland has been translated into 174 languages and adapted to film numerous times. Unlike the other magazines mentioned here, The Watchtower and Awake! When it comes to Christmas carols, the most translated is without a doubt, Silent Night. “Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht” has since been translated into 100 languages and is known to English speakers as “Silent Night.” – George Steiner. Why? Russian — Vladmir Nabokov describes it best: “No single word in English renders all the shades of toska.At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause. Spain has been an important business partner for the UK for a number of years. It also is a two-way translation so you can carry on a full conversation. There are like 260 million native speakers. It is rated as the 9th most spoken language in the universe. The most capable language translation devices peak at 106 languages, covering just about every language and dialect out there. The presence of Mandarin and Arabic on the list of most translated languages in 2020 also shouldn’t come as a surprise. Certified Translation – What are the different types. 57 languages, with 87 translations total: English Never Let Me Go: Kazuo … Experience and Trust. Despite a looming Brexit and political uncertainly being at its highest, the UK economy is doing surprisingly well, giving the circumstances. The original song’s lyrics were written by Joseph Mohr, an assistant pastor from Austria. Please check our privacy policy to see how we manage your data. The entire book is available in 554 languages, which is more than any other book. Other most translated languages include: Javanese, German, Korean, French, Telegu, Marathi, Turkish, Tamil, Vietnamese, and Urdu. [1] This is a dynamic list and may … In 2018 our agency saw a steady growth in demand for French translation services. Campaigns tailored specifically for the target audience are today an industry standard, not only amongst the ‘big players’, but also SMEs. They were asked to evaluate three translation options: machine statistical, neural, and human ones. Most nations use it as it as the first language or the second official language. Lahnda: natives who speak this language are from Pakistan, and they amount to 89 million. As one of the fastest growing economies in the world and with an enormous number of consumers and potential customers, China is an important destination for the UK businesses. Turnaround is as quick as the same day for small assignments. The four most popular Chinese dialects are Mandarin (898 million speakers), Wu (also known as Shanghainese dialect, 80 million speakers), Yue (Cantonese, 73 million), and Min Nan (Taiwanese, 48 million). 1. As of 2019, The Little Prince has been translated into 425 languages and dialects. The most important book in Christianity, the Bible is the most widely both old and new. It means that the more languages one can choose from for the website interface, the more translated the website is. Spanish: this is a language that is spoken by approximately 399 million people, most of them living in Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, and Colombia. As a matter of fact languages do have some words that are shared. Almost half of the world’s population claim one of only ten languages as their mother tongue. Bengali: it is widely spoken in Bangladesh, and comes as the second language after Hindu in India. This page provides list of most translated individual authors to date sorted by the total number of translations. Although somewhat overlooked in the past, UK’s rapidly increasing imports/exports and trading with Arabic speaking consumers and partners is a clear indicator of just how important translations for this market currently are., the official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses is the most translated website in the world. Use the free DeepL Translator to translate your texts with the best machine translation available, powered by DeepL’s world-leading neural network technology. We work hard to make translation services more effective, by enhancing our production processes with great technologies and talented people. What is the Most Translated … Additionally, German is one of the main languages in Switzerland, which is also a very strong UK trading partner. Languages have historically spread through trade, conquests, colonization, immigration, and cultural interactions. That being said, English does not rank first in … both on LT and also in general. The Jehovah’s Witnesses announced today that its website reached 1,000 languages, an impressive achievement. Every language is a world. The number of site versions is hard to imagine – as of April 2020, it is available in 1020 languages. ... K-drama OSTs (2020) All OSTs of 2020 K- dramas; Why Novels are Translated More. [3] Victor Mair, a translator of Tao Te Ching, had this to say: "Next to the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita, the Tao Te Ching is the most translated book in the world". Leaving religion aside, the most translated book in the world is Pinocchio, by Carlo Collodi. Swahili: this is a language that is spoken in the East Africa. HERE ARE A FEW instances where other languages have found the right word and English simply falls speechless. TED Talks are available in 94 languages, from Albanian to Vietnamese, thanks to the tireless work of our translators. Today, the world’s most translated book is The Bible. The release notes: On November 4, 2019,, the official website of Jehovah’s Witnesses, reached an unprecedented translation milestone—it now includes articles, videos, and audio content available in 1,000 languages, including 100 sign languages. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has set a new world record of being the most translated text. Historically, the French market always had strong ties with the UK, which even today is reflected in high demand for translations in this language pair. A six page document entitled Universal Declaration of Human Rights, produced by the United Nations in 1948, has been translated into 370 languages and dialects from Abkhaz to Zulu as of 2009. That being said, English does not rank first in terms of the number of native speakers. Google Translate is probably the most popular free online translator that translates single words or phrases to another language. The World’s Most Translated Book. 61 Ubi Road 1, Oxley Bizhub, #04-10, Singapore 408727. So far, more than 8,500 volunteers have created the upwards of 33,500 translated talks. The topic of the most translated book in the world is one which is often up for question; whilst the Bible is the most translated in terms of at least one book, Listen to God and Live Forever has been translated – as a whole – into 583 languages, which is more than the combined New and Old Testament translated versions. Why do world’s largest brands partner with translation agencies? Germany is today one of UK’s largest trading partners in Europe, surpassing even France, with higher numbers of imports as well as exports. The World's Ten Most Translated Authors - Translation Excellence More than 242 million people are natives, and is spoken in more than 60 countries. So who’s in the Top 10 most spoken languages? Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 Central Europe, the fastest growing region on the continent, attracts an increasing number of UK businesses, and understandably so. Consequently, Polish, Hungarian and Czech linguists have been in high demand from the beginning of the year, which is expected to be a continuous trend. The Most Translated Website In the World With Over 940 Languages. Mandarin, spoken natively by over 1 billion people is in high demand within the translation industry, and looking at our data from 2018, we can clearly see a rapidly growing tendency across many different business sectors, which we believe will continue. There are a lot of variables involved in determining language profitability. It detects the language on the input box based on the text, web page, or document you enter into the box and instantly translates it on the output box into a language you can read and understand. We have delivered 1.2 million translations in 185 languages to 193,432 clients in 40 macro-domains since 1999, powering the globalization strategy of the most demanding clients.. References Process Efficiency. According to Wycliffe Bible Translators, the whole Bible has been translated into 698 languages, while parts of it have been translated into 2,686 languages. As a result, translation accuracy increased to 85%. Who Said Bible is just meant for Christians, No where Bible says so infact its God's Word for everyone who want to know the True GOD. World’s most widely translated website, JW.ORG, features content … Alphabet's Inc. corporation's most prominent web portals are translated into 164 languages.However, a number of secondary websites such as Google Crisis Response or Google Careers can only be found in English.. Facebook. Google is part of the lives of almost all internet users. Many people have guessed that it should be the domains of the worlds’ leading companies like Google, Apple, etc. Japanese: this language is spoken by more than 128 million native speakers. Surprisingly, the most translated website in the world is not Facebook, Twitter, Google or Wikipedia. [1] This is a dynamic list and may never be able … both old and new. ALTA manages thousands of translation projects every year for businesses of all sizes, including many Fortune 500 companies. All these languages can be translated by people easily and who are in the human translation service. TRANSLATION ------------------------- INTERPRETING, ------------------------- DTP ------------------------- LOCALISATION ------------------------- TRANSCREATION ------------------------- TRANSCRIPTION -------------------------. The beloved children’s tale of the little wooden boy has been translated into more than 260 languages since it was first published in 1883. With around 1.5 billion speakers, English is one of the most influential languages in the world, and it remains the best language for international business as well. Most translated songs of all time. Which is the most translated website in the world? As the general economic atmosphere remains fairly positive, businesses and organisations continue to approach foreign markets and audiences with their products/services. Wikipedia is one of the most popular websites in the world. Translation Services 24 London | Part of Language Reach Ltd. | 2021 | London, UK. 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