Rare Book & Manuscript Library University of Pennsylvania LJS 399. These are important issues to be considered for territorial and city planning—and even for a city’s architecture. This chapter focuses on a traditional Iranian water infrastructure, the qanat system, a technical solution to the problem of accessing water for irrigation and urbanization that has shaped the landscape and organized the territory. Saeed Tavakolifar (2015), Safi Nezhad J (2017) Kariz dar Iran va shive-haye sonati-ye bahregiri az an or Kariz in Iran and the traditional ways of its using. Pouyeh Mehr Ishraq Cultural Institute, Tehran, Schmidt EF (1940) Flights over ancient cities of Iran. Pr, English PW (1966) City and village in Iran: settlement and economy in the Kirman basin. Courtesy of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago; released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. These are important areas for future research, making more usage of this valuable but little-used data source. bound to 193 × 128 mm. Paygah-e siasat gozari va miras-e farhangi-e bafte tarikhri-e Shiraz, Shiraz, Agah M (2014) The influence of qanat on the culture of Iran. The development of qanāt s probably began about 2,500 or 3,000 years ago in Iran, and the technology spread eastward to Afghanistan and westward to Egypt. Water and Sustainability in Arid Regions (pp.125-138), Cultural Dynamics of Water in Iranian Civilization, Ancient Karez System in Afghanistan: The Perspective of Construction and Maintenance, The shifted ownership regime of a common-pool resource: the case of water exploitation in Sanandaj County, Iran, CORONA High-Resolution Satellite and Aerial Imagery for Change Detection Assessment of Natural Hazard Risk and Urban Growth in El Alto/La Paz in Bolivia, Santiago de Chile, Yungay in Peru, Qazvin in Iran, and Mount St. Helens in the USA, An analyses of the role of socio-economic classes in the spatial organization (a case study of Yazd, Iran), Semantic Reconstruction of the Water Crisis in the East of Isfahan Based on Grounded Theory, Reimagining Water Infrastructure in its Cultural Specificity Case of Pune, INDIA. The research presents data obtained through review of secondary literature and archival records carried during February and September 2017. oldest and largest known qanat is located in the Iranian city of Gonabad which after 2700 years In Y. cannot afford (Najib and Mohammadi 2002; Safi Nejad 2000). Rural, agrarian features, such as surface aqueducts, dams, terraces and the qanat systems, have rarely been studied by either historians or archaeologists. Search in title. T, remove the dirt using a hoist (Fig. The system is referred to by different names in differ, ent regions: qanat and kareez (Iran); kariz (Afghanistan and Pakistan); kanerjing, (China); khettara (Morocco); galeria (Spain); aflaj (Oman); and kahn (Baloch), (Goblot 1979; Al-Rawas and Hago 1999; Pouraghniaei and Malekian 2001). Sparked by a spike in population growth and water demand, drilling these wells caused the drawdown of the groundwater le, cycle of drilling and drawdowns that has af, In addition, changes in cropping patterns designed to obtain higher returns meant, more water was needed than qanats could provide. Based on hydrologic processes, qanats are divided into two sections (see, Fig. It is 2 km long and, has 30 shafts. W.B. Karez is underground tunnel which is constructed in ground by digging the main well of the system and extending underground tunnel in foothills of the mountains. conservation and utilization of groundwater organized to realize the sustainability and continuity of availability of groundwater and its sustainable benefit. during the daylight hours of the spring and summer growing seasons (Fig. Source Schmidt, Erich Friedrich. The second part outlines some of the steps that can be taken to cope with climate variability and adapt to climate, Information about the current state of water institutional frameworks, water infrastructure and water management policies in Libya enable the identification and evaluation of a range of options for improving water use efficiency in agriculture and the potential role of water pricing in achieving sustainability of water sources. The premises of this introduction were multiple that: it was more efficient to get water from a deep well than from the qanat; one could get more water faster; deep wells were separate matter from topography and soil conditions; and wells could be built without using local materials or local labor (English 1997). Moreove, amount of water the qanats yielded. The first section is collection, in which water infiltrates the tunnel from, tunnel forms a relatively short “wet” section, which is in fact an underground drain. The third summarizes some of the implications of the analysis, including the challenges for sustainable development. to recommend and implement relevant solutions to increase the efficiency of qanats to achieve sustainable development in water Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. In Iran, water has always been the most crucial production factor, exerting a great influence on socio-economic structures. The origin of the word qanat is still controversial. The second part of the paper, through a series of examples in selected countries, examines the consequences of the spread of cheap pumping technology - water rights and the reordering of access to water, private ownership and collective action, and the implications for integrated managements of privately owned pumps which publicly operated surface irrigation systems. 1674. The mother well sits at the beginning of the qanat and, is dug at the upslope where the groundwater table is close to the surface. change. (Source: Nazari Samani and Farzadmehr 2006), Constructing a qanat, A: muqanni, B: laborers. A Qanat consists of one or more drainage galleries of 1 to 1.4 meters high and widths of 0.5 to 0.6 meters, with fortified walls paved within the aquifer. Once the well was completed a tunnel was dug nearly horizontal to the lower end of the well. The title itself contains a word that is worthy of some relevant comment. Keep reading. By the increasing demand of water due to the increasing population, ancient Iranian invented a new system to bring the groundwater to the surface using the gravitational force. Some possible solutions are suggested for the mitigation of the risk of collapsing and extinction of Karez systems. Some old qanats are in use still today in Iran, principally in villages and smaller towns. The successive vertical shafts look, like a line of ant-hills, stretching for miles. Although these proposals seem feasible and interesting on first view, they focus mainly on an immediate alternative functional question rather than on the larger cultural and historical value of the qanat. Al-Karaji describes how to find underground water sources. Even after independence, the endeavour of Indian nationalists to portray India as a modern and progressive nation made them focus on the expansion of centralised water infrastructure and neglect TWI. Depiction of an ab-anbar, water storage feature, ringed by six tall wind-catchers designed to capture wind from various directions so as to ventilate and cool the water. Most parts of Iran are hot and dry. Already withmore than 5000 large dams and 11.7 million tubewells, India has the highest annual freshwater usage in the world. Even though most are abandoned–and only a few are available for tourist visits–they remain complex systems that influence and are being influenced by various scales and levels of geography, society, administration, economy, and culture. Social and economic factors include the decrease in agricultural income. The location of the, mother shaft depends on a number of factors: local slope conditions, the surrounding, landscape, subtle changes in vegetation, av, After the builders dig the mother well, they mov, nation point, through the collection gallery, the tunnel starts from there, burrowing back almost horizontally to, well. claims that he learned the secret of tapping underground water during his campaign against the old country of Urartu around Lake Urumieh in Northwest Iran. Get Started. The current severe scarcity of water in Iran and its surrounding region has necessitated a revision of the ways in which water resources are used, managed, and consumed, especially, as they appear in urbanization, planning, culture, and everyday life. Two tall curved walls shade shallow over pools located in front “where, in winter, qanat water was turned into ice, chopped out, and then stored in deep pits beneath the stepped, domed ice houses”. The system, called Qanat (from a Semitic word meaning “to dig”) was invented in Iran thousands of years ago, and it is so simple and effective that it was adopted in many other arid regions of the Middle East and around the Mediterranean” (Wulff-Dieter Heintz). Instead, it proposes a sustainable approach that causes minimum disturbance to the natural hydrological cycle, attempts to manage freshwater demand in the society and concentrates on rainwater harvesting and wastewater recycling. Fisher. of the tunnel (Afkhami 1997; English 1968; Nazari Samani and Farzadmehr 2006; balance between excessive erosion and sedimentation of the tunnel bed. The qanat system relies on snow-fed streams, which flow down the foothills of surrounding mountains channeling through sloping aqueducts, often over far distances to discharge into the city’s underground reservoirs or ab-anbars. Philipp Von Zabern Verlag, Darmstadt, Muqaddasi. The Qanat La Venta of Jalisco in particular shows the flexibility of this technology, and demonstrates the wide range of situations to which it may be applied. Komeil Sohani, a young Iranian researcher, has recently directed a documentary that shows that the water crisis in Iran is rooted in decades of mismanagement and misunderstanding of the actualities of Iran’s position. Since the middle of the twentieth century, forces influencing the administration of water resources in Iran have included: excessive use of new pumping technologies and the abandonment of traditional ways of dealing with water, too many new dams, easy access to water for an increasing population and production sector, ongoing regional conflicts, and political pressures and instability. 2012; Lofrano et al. The drawing is a diagrammatic plan of this underground tunnel. 2001. The Qanat of Mun (Moon Qanat) is a 2km long, two-story qanat, having two main tunnels with one mother well each. The Persians (present-day Iranians) have sustained and expanded this system for over three thousand years. Ancient Karez has a history of millennium. كاريز) is a water management system used to provide a reliable supply of water to human settlements or for irrigation in hot, arid and semi arid climates. These examples serve as a basis for the conclusion, which spells out the hydrological social, management and economic impacts of the pump revolution.". In the early part of the first millennium B.C., Persians started constructing elaborate tunnel systems called qanats for extracting groundwater in the dry mountain basins of present-day Iran (see figure 1 ). About 2,500 years ago, Persians invented a number of methods for harnessing groundwater, including a water management system called a qanat. 2002. The reason of abandonment of traditional structures is that modern structures involve fewer amounts of work and maintenance than traditional structures [7]. After a preassessment of over 20 disaster events, the 1970 Yungay earthquake-triggered debris avalanche and the natural hazard processes of the 1980 Mt St. Helens volcanic eruption are further analysed. -Extracting participatory governance deployment scanarios in the watershed. It is necessary therefore H. Ahmadi et al. Joan Spencer. The qanat system is a clear example of this life-giving dynamic. Goblot considered the qanat system to be one of the most imaginative engineering works in the history of humankind. Furthermore, the main public institutions such as the bazaar, mosques, baths, and schools usually had direct access to freshwater. Accordingly, some sources state qanats were invented in Iran before 1000 BCE and as far back as 3000 BCE. As a result, thousands of new settlements were established and others, of the Mediterranean, as well as southward into parts of Egypt (Pearse 1973; Goblot, the Silk Road settlements of Central Asia, and Chinese Turkistan (see Chapters 9, and 10). Moreover, different territorial ownership principles apply to different geological conditions, for example, if a qanat or well is constructed in a soft porous soil or muddy or hard soil. knowledge and local expertise; (5) it drains saline and alkaline soils and aquifers; and (6) it exploits groundwater as a renewable resource (Da, The last benefit warrants additional discussion. Besides, the presence of TWI within urban areas can help in reducing the surface temperatures significantly through evaporative cooling and reduce the heat-island effect. The main differences between the two groups are geological formation conditions, the length and feeding area of the qanat, the depth of the mother well, dis-, charge, and physiographic conditions. It seems curious, for example, in Tehran, the urbanization of the northern areas during and after the 1960s often interrupted the practice and application of harim to older qanats: the deep foundations of many buildings blocked the flow of underground waters (Khosravi et al. The inhabitants could have enhanced their adaptation to their fluctuating water resources through social cohesion.This chapter tries to show how water affects the make-up of a local community through a variety of water-related social mechanisms, like cooperation, qanat maintenance, division of labor and waqf (charitable endowments). The Xinjiang Qanat System is a remarkable feat of irrigation engineering skill, and it is considered one of the three great wonders of China, after the Han Dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE) Great Wall and the Sui Dynasty (581–618 CE) Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Therefore, preserving this heritage is more than protecting an old technology. Hoseyn Xadiv Jam). This engineering masterpiece developed by Persian people, and its rich history made it to register on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2016. Proc Am Philos Soc 112(3):170–181, English PW (1998) Qanats and lifeworlds in Iranian plateau villages. ; yellow filter. This study has led to the identification of 13 effective criterion's in locating recycling station and also determined the allowable boundaries. W, been easy to come by in arid and semiarid regions of the country, events are very rare. In the last chapters of his volume, Al-Karaji addresses the legal dimensions of water management, as a techno-scientific discipline closely related to society and economy (1994, 67–87). Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. 8.2). This book traces “water” back to the most primitive animistic notions that are still lingering on in the shape of such rituals as qanat marriage or rain-making. In some cases, the system of divid-, ing water dates back hundreds of years. Wondering how? Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. قناة) or kareez (from fa. Decline of Qanats in Iran: Reasons and Potential solu-, Nazari Samani, A., and J. Farzadmehr. It also depicts “an initial walled stretch of the surface stream, three separate irrigation channels then serve to direct the water toward the adjacent fields. Yale F&ES Bulletin 103:187–205, Fisher WB (1968) Physical geography. In: Proceedings of The International Symposium on Water and Management for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture, Adana, Turkey. Thus, a qanat cannot cause, significant drawdown in an aquifer because its flo, its biggest drawback when compared to the range of technologies available today, water is used for domestic use, much larger amounts of irrigation water are needed. Iran before 1000 BCE and as far as North Africa share all other wells besides their wells! Understanding of the Iranian highlands evolved a resilient water management, water allocation and water supply has! 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