Kanan himself was cornered by two more Mining Guild TIE fighters. During the conference, Jarrus volunteered Syndulla against her will for the mission. [54] Despite being blind, he was still able to spar with Sabine in a lightsaber training session. While searching for a suitable planet to house the rebellion's base, Kanan and Ezra had another encounter with the Seventh Sister and Fifth Brother. When Chopper remarked that he had nothing to do with what happened, Kanan asked the droid to clarify his statement. [84], After escaping into space, Kanan, Hera, Ezra, and Saw briefed Senator Organa and Commander Sato about the events on Geonosis. [98], Shortly after rescuing Tano from the clutches of Vader in the World Between Worlds, Tano explained to Ezra that Kanan, who was now part of the Cosmic Force, was still able to communicate to the living through the Force. Kanan was a strict and methodical teacher. However, Kanan used the Force to lift Ezra out. [64], Later, Kanan and Sabine witnessed the arrival of an Imperial landing ship carrying supplies for the Protectors. Kanan and his team landed in Capital City and rendezvoused with Ryder. [45], When Bridger left to practice his Jedi training alone and was captured by the bounty hunters Gowski and Fissol, Jarrus felt something was amiss and rode his personal Joben T-85 speeder bike to their encounter. Later, Kanan and his crew were contacted by Hera, who asked them about the progress of their salvage mission. Jarrus and Orrelios left in escape pods and made it to a planet. [110], Freddie Prinze Jr. reprised his role as Kanan Jarrus in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the third and final installment of the Star Wars sequel trilogy. Due to his upbringing, Kanan distrusted anything associated with the Sith and dark side and chastised Ezra for toying with a Sith holocron he had found on Malachor. Jarrus directs the clones through a sandstorm with the Force. Kanan's best feats include contending against and ultimately defeating the Grand Inquisitor, a fighter who is roughly comparable to Asajj, defeating Mail, defeating the 8th Brother, demonstrating obvious superiority to the 5th Brother, and holding his own against the 7th Sister, who could match Ahsoka Tano for a time. Kallus then tackled Lyste to the ground while Ezra, AP-5, and Chopper fled aboard the shuttle with Kanan and Rex. Once aboard, the three rebels accosted the pilots and escaped through the hatch. After Ezra volunteered to return to Lothal, Kanan and the other Spectres decided to go with him. The rebels infiltrated Tarkin’s Star Destroyer and Ezra broke Kanan out of his cell, but the Inquisitor intercepted them. With the fleet defeated, the Ghost made the jump to hyperspace and escaped,[54] to use the planet Garel as its new base of operations. [14] Later, the blinded Kanan used the Force to guide him as he used his lightsaber to cut off the legs of an AT-AT walker. When Vez was angered, he tried to retaliate by handing them over to the Empire, but Jarrus, Bridger and Syndulla resisted, and threatened to destroy Vez's cargo ships. Once they met up, Jarrus used the Force to stop the fan blocking their exit, and the rebels escaped from the Imperials as Trayvis (revealed to be an Imperial spy) regained consciousness. To that end, he had ordered a homing beacon to be placed in the shuttle prior to the confrontation, knowing that the Rebels would have no option but to steal it. Before further hostilities could break out, Ezra managed to convince Kalani and Rex that trying to win the battle was futile since their true enemy was the Galactic Empire. Following a confrontation with Azmorigan's forces, they bid farewell to Calrissian, who had returned Chopper to them.[48]. Shortly, Hera and Sabine arrived from the cockpit to watch the session. Confronted by the Jedi hunter, Jarrus was forced to engage in a lightsaber duel, which continued into the Spire's corridors. However, due to his experiences with the Clone Wars and the Jedi Purge, Jarrus remained apprehensive and disdainful about their involvement with military; following a mission, he even allowed Chopper to relay a message to the Phoenix Home from the defecting Minister Tua, who offered Imperial secrets in exchange of passage off Lothal. On one occasion, Jarrus was forced to rescue Bridger during a training lesson above Lothal's atmosphere. In Arabic, the word kanan means trader or merchant. [60], Helming the Ghost, Jarrus and the rest of the Phoenix fleet converged on Ibaar, where they were quickly joined by the Phantom, which carried the Prototype B6 to be piloted by Syndulla on its underside. Thanks to Commander Sato, they received word that there had been a mass breakout from an Imperial prison on Lothal, and provided a list of prisoners. Kanan comforted Sabine who blamed herself for Hera's injuries. However, Vader alone attacked with his TIE Advanced x1, causing extensive damage to Phoenix Squadron and the Phoenix Home, forcing Sato to abandon the ship.[54]. Kanan's concerns were validated after Ezra almost killed a rebel trooper he had mistaken for Maul. [89], Later, Kanan and Ezra were present at the command center when the rebel readers received an urgent transmission from Fulcrum warning that Thrawn was aware of the attack. Upon exiting hyperspace, the rebels put their plans into action and departed on their stolen TIE bomber for the fighter-carrier. Kanan also interacted with one of the wolves, which called him by his birth-name "Dume." [14], After setting up camp, Kanan parried with Sabine using training sabers. Upon the cruisers' landing, Jarrus and Bridger (disguised again as a stormtrooper and cadet, respectively) received Organa's delegate and daughter, Princess Leia Organa, whom they escorted and who intended for the Spectres to steal her ships. At that point, Chopper exited the chamber Despite Ezra's efforts to bluff the corporal by claiming they were in the wrong section, the corporal did not believe them and the rebels were forced to flee into a turbolift. However, as arranged by Kallus, the shuttle exploded, causing Tua's death, to be used against the rebels. 2. With the Imperials approaching, Jarrus ordered Wren to contact Syndulla to scan for incoming Imperial vessels. Following the kidnapping of Alora over Chandel by the Fifth Brother and the Seventh Sister, Jarrus accepted a mission from Tano to help her investigate two sets of coordinates, saying they needed to obtain whatever the Inquisitors were after before them, and advising him to take Bridger and Orrelios. Acknowledging the threat the Ghost Crew posed as they continued to fend off Imperial activities in Lothal, the Grand Inquisitor, who was originally tasked by Darth Vader to hunt down all the Jedi who survived Order 66, zeroed in on Kanan after he revealed himself upon rescuing a group of Wookies who were enslaved in Kessel. After reuniting with Ezra, the two reconciled with Kanan reassuring Ezra that he was not to blame for the recent events. [89] Despite Kanan's lightsaber skills, he was outmatched by the Trandoshan foreman Proach, who wielded an electro-whip. [18], After the lesson, Dume was hoping Billaba would choose him, so he checked if she had a Padawan (she didn't) and asked his two peers what they thought about it; Quid told him that word had it she was "damaged goods" after her disastrous defeat[18] on Haruun Kal. After evacuating, the rebels rendezvoused with the fleet while Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper tried to reason with Iron Squadron. Kanan and the other rebels were present when Sabine repaired AP-5, who had been shot by an Imperial officer during the heist of the fighter carrier. To get aboard the ship, Hera arranged for two rebel A-wing starfighters to attack their bomber. As Kanan meditated, Kanan then listened to Gerrera's speech about the Alliance's unwillingness to destroy Jalindi Station. Kanan disagreed with Sabine's plan and tried unsuccessfully to convince her to stand down. When Zeb grumbled about the kids' "stunt," Kanan told him not to worry. During the meeting, Kanan told Sabine that he believed that it was no coincidence that she came across the Darksaber. Star Wars Rebels - Season 01 Episode 04 Rise of the Old Masters [1080p] [67], Prior to the meeting, Kanan was tense about meeting his lover's father and took it out on Ezra. During the space battle, Tano—who accompanied the Ghost on its attack against Vader—sensed Vader's strength in the Force and asked Jarrus to help her in probing their opponent, but she passed out when she realized it could be her old master, Anakin Skywalker. Living on thanks to the sacrifice of his Master, Depa Billaba, on Kaller, he met the smuggler Janus Kasmir, who taught him how to survive as a fugitive. "[103], Never having made it past the rank of Padawan until years into Ezra's training,[16] Jarrus had little confidence in his skills as a Jedi and teacher. After discussing their plans, Morad agreed to help Kanan, Ezra, and Chopper infiltrate the factory. The two Jedi arrived on Lothal in the Phantom accompanied by Ahsoka Tano, who was conducting her own investigation into the Sith Lord Darth Vader. After accepting the mission, Kanan asked Rex if they should be worried about what Saw found. Kanan Jarrus was a Jedi Knight who defended the Galaxy with his master, Depa Billaba, During Order 66, he went into exile after his master was killed by the troopers. As Bendu launched his attack on Chopper Base, Kanan and his rebel comrades fled aboard the Ghost. The voice of Luke Skywalker, who was Rey's master when alive, followed that of Kanan, telling her that the Force would always be with her, similar to what Kanan said to an unconscious Ezra, his own apprentice, after his journey in the World Between Worlds.[101]. Kanan traveled on his Joben T-85 speeder bike into the krykna nest where Bendu dwelled. During a discussion to find a viable base for the rebellion, Jarrus and Syndulla were interrupted by Bridger, who had received a vision of his parents Ephraim and Mira Bridger. Kanan Jarrus (born Caleb Dume) is the protagonist of the Star Wars television showStar Wars Rebels, as well as a Jedi Padawan and a Rebel leader of the Ghost crew.He is the captain of the shipGhostand also one of the few Jedi who survived both Order 66 and the ensuing Jedi Purge. [17][46][54] Through his Master, Caleb Dume was able to receive Force visions, such as when he witnessed the Jedi's destruction. Relieved to discover that Bridger was still alive, the master-Padawan pair left Sovereign on board the Inquisitor's TIE fighter, which Jarrus used to shoot the Rebels' TIE-fighter pursuers. Jarrus then asked if Morfizo was imprisoned just to capture him. Wondering what he should do, Kasmir told him he had to lie, cheat, steal, and survive, just before he received the Jedi emergency signal recalling him to the Temple. The three rebels then made their way to Section A2, where Morad believed that the secret plans were stored. Left vulnerable to three B1 battle droids, CT-1157 went to his rescue and destroyed the three droids, for which he would earn the name "Stance." [64], However, Rau's fighter remained intact and he took it into space to attack the rebel fleet. [SPOILER ALERT: ABANDON ALL HOPE YE WHO ENTER HERE] [THE SPOILERS WILL BE WITH YOU] [ALWAYS] Like this. At Kryze's camp, Kyze and Sabine came up with plan to destroy the Duchess; Kanan volunteered himself, Ezra, and Chopper to erase the Duchess's data from the Imperial database. Commander Sato also congratulated the rebels for rescuing Saw and obtaining a new deflector core. [82], At Ryder's hideout, Kanan and Ezra learnt that Ryder's cell was sabotaging vehicles produced at the Lothal Imperial factory. During the ensuing melee, Kanan shot one stormtrooper and then held pointed his blaster at the commanding officer. Seeking to test Kallus, Kanan tasked the ISB agent with helping them gain access to a com station. As a result, Fenn decided to join the rebellion once and for all. While Chopper activated a holographic map of the galaxy, Zeb activated his bo-rifle while Chava ignited her staff. Pushing the two clones away, Dume then and put his trust in the Force one last time opened the airlock. Before leaving, the Ghost destroyed the gas refinery, causing it to collapse into the planetoid below. [11], Despite Hera's advice, Ezra and Chopper stole an RZ-1T trainer and traveled to Tatooine. Kanan, then-known as Caleb Dume, spent his early life on the planet Coruscant where he trained to one day become a Jedi Knight, later becoming the apprentice of Jedi Master Depa Billaba. Before they did so, Bridger told him he thought they could trust the clones, but Jarrus told him of Order 66; however, Rex intervened and countered he and his fellow clones had removed their inhibitor chips and disobeyed the order. Chronological and political information Kanan commented that he had been foolish to be taken in by Hera's father. Aware of their disadvantage, Billaba ordered Dume to run, but he froze as he watched his master kill Kaylon, Remo and Mixx in self-defense until Billaba snapped him out of it. There, they encountered their perennial adversary Agent Kallus, who recognized the two rebels and their droids. Kanan Jarrus had some skill in Form III due to his training under Depa Billaba,[9] who was a master of the style and emphasized its use in close-quarter fighting. Kanan faces the Grand Inquisitor on PM-1203. Kanan Jarrus After the attack disabled both the Ghost's shields and internal comm system, Jarrus and Syndulla began giving Chopper conflicting orders over which system to fix first. Ezra entered the engine room and killed Seevor following a confrontation. Kanan, Hera, and Zeb met Ezra and Chopper when they returned to Chopper Base. [8] Kanan would be deeply concerned when he would about Hera being in trouble. The relationships of Kanan Jarrus in the Star Wars universe. [72], Kanan's blinding had a great impact on the Jedi Knight's life and worldview. The blasts ignited several of the bombs which succeeded in taking out one of the AT-ATs. As they sparred, Sabine revealed that she had spoken out against the Empire for using her to build weapons used to enslave Mandalore. [41], Once they reached Plateau City, Jarrus decided to split the team up to cover more ground, and refused to let Syndulla accompany him, saying he would go with Chopper. When they found Graysom, he claimed that the Hoopaloo Nest was haunted. The Grand Inquisitor has demonstrated considerable prowess with the power, proving capable of pinning Kanan Jarrus against a wall, and incapacitating him through usage of the Force. As a result, Jarrus found it difficult to trust the retired clones Rex, Gregor and Wolffe,[55] and yet, despite his hard feelings towards them, Kanan decided to rescue them during an Imperial assault on Seelos. [62], Jarrus and Bridger promised Oora, who had sent her infant son Pypey away with a decoy droid, that they would find Pypey before the Inquisitors; he also informed Orrelios of their discovery, and Jarrus was in turn told of the other baby, Alora, and that they had discovered and sabotaged the Inquisitors' TIEs. The holocrons quickly separated with an explosion and deactivated. The Grand Inquisitor answered only to Darth Vader, his master, regarding news of his exploits across the galaxy. 1. Though initially surprised, Jarrus conferred with Yoda about his insecurities as a master. Jarrus then Force-pushed her into the force field, knocking her out. [82], Kanan and his team then escaped with Ryder on their landspeeders. One day away from the Initiate Trials, Dume was in a practice duel with Uzuma and Quid under Yoda's instructions, when he tripped and hit his head against the floor, injuring himself in the process. Jarrus eventually met his death on Lothal around the year[3] of the Battle of Yavin, during the rescue of Hera Syndulla after Governor Arihnda Pryce ordered her walker to fire on the fuel pod they were on, sacrificing himself to allow his fellow rebels to escape. Your First Look at Kanan the Padawan – Exclusive! This, however, gave Jarrus the idea of broadcasting messages through Lothal's Imperial Communications Center. Sabine responded by telling the Jedi to trust her. After landing on the prison's landing platform, Jarrus along with Bridger, Wren, and Orrelios entered the prison complex. [92], Kanan and the others then put on civilian disguises after they boarded Vizago's ship the Broken Horn. Billaba's sacrifice gave him enough time to conceal himself and wait for the clones to pass by. The rebels attempted to flee on the Ghost but the krykna spun a large web around the starship, preventing their escape. In the ensuing attack, Orrelios was forced to let go of Ryall and had to return to the Ghost. [96], As part of the Rebel Alliance's ground support team on Lothal, Kanan and the Spectres Ezra, Sabine, and Zeb planted explosives on anti-air turbolasers outside the Imperial Armory Complex. [69] Jarrus's experiences during the Clone Wars left him wary of being involved with military affairs. Kanan and Hera searched the Hoopaloo Nest, but found no trace of him. Despite Ezra's protests, Kanan ordered Chopper to evacuate the ship into hyperspace. During the confusion, R2-D2 and C-3PO stowed aboard the Ghost; unknown to the rebels, the two droids were on a secret mission to prevent the Imperials from taking the weapons. Jarrus and his comrades with Quarrie following the blockade run on Ibaar. Kanan still refused to talk to the Inquisitor changed tactics: he asked Kanan how he had survived Order 66. [92], Sometime during this nomadic and hand-to-mouth period, Kanan told Hera that it has been a long time since they've been alone like this and wished he could see her. Kanan's bike was destroyed but the Jedi narrowly survived and managed to reunite with Rex and Zeb. While Syndulla was gone with the Phantom, Jarrus would pick up the last of the supplies with the Ghost, but when she was delayed, Jarrus decided to pilot the freighter himself in the second attempt to break the Imperial blockade at Ibaar. So did the Ghost, prompting Jarrus to make it look as if the rebels were taking the princess, himself and the cadet prisoners. [95] While Kanan loved Hera and was reluctant to abandon her, he heeded the wolf's warning not to go into Capital City and instead evacuated the rebels Chopper and Mart Mattin. Maul demanded that the two Jedi hand over the Sith holocron and Kanan's Jedi holocron. With the Imperials momentarily distracted, the rebels made their escape. Born After some discussion, he allowed Ezra to recover the holocron but told the apprentice that he needed to travel into a cave full of krykna to retrieve it. [67], After Chopper repaired the hyperdrive and the rebels managed to destroy an Imperial light cruiser, Kanan and the other rebels were able to escape with the stolen fighter carrier into hyperspace. After Kallus and the surviving Imperials fled, the three clones saluted the Jedi for saving them, whereas Rex agreed to join the rebellion and to accompany the rebels back to the Phoenix fleet (while Wolffe and Gregor stayed on Seelos and made the AT-AT their new home). During the meeting, the rebels learnt that a rebel agent known as Fulcrum had information of Imperial cadets from the elite Skystrike Academy who wanted to defect to the rebellion. Brown[6] They found the informant Graysom's ship, the Hoopaloo Nest on a asteroid. After recovering the bus, escaping with Syndulla and Skelly and finding Myder trapped in the restroom, they discarded the now-useless vessel in a junkyard. Teal-blue,[6] later pale (blind),[7] natural color later restored[4] Furthermore, the provincial governor, Gamut Key, and his constabularies arrived at the scene, for they had received a tip that smugglers were using the area as a drop point and demanded that they let him search the ship. Ezra then knocked out the officer by stunning him with his lightsaber. [42], However, the officer in charge shot at Jarrus. When Hera reported that the Empire was fortifying its anti-aircraft air defenses and installing new fuel tanks at the Imperial factories, Kanan remarked that the Empire was going to start full-scale production of the new fighter on Lothal. [101] According to Prinze, he received a phone call from Dave Filoni a few weeks before the release of The Rise of Skywalker to do some new lines as Kanan, a request Prinze quickly accepted. Vidian's determination forced Sloane to order the destruction of Forager's transmission tower. With little choice, Kanan reluctantly allowed Ezra to follow Maul on his ship Nightbrother to Dathomir. When Kanan asked how many ships, Rex told him not to worry and to transmit the clearance codes. Sabine had managed to track down the Protectors' Fang fighters to a base on the third moon of Concord Dawn. Dume gave him the chance to surrender, but Sear refused. As they joined up with other Spectres, they found a way out by climbing a ladder. [40], Contacted by "Fulcrum," the Ghost crew was to pick up supplies on Kaller for the Tarkintown refugees,[9] which he had avoided for years,[41] where crates were ready and waiting for them. [90], Kanan, along with Ezra and Sabine then returned to Yavin 4. During the rescue mission, Kanan manned the Ghost top turret cannons and destroyed several TIE fighters. When Ezra asked Kanan what he did with it, the older Jedi told him that it was in safe hands but did not mention the Bendu. While fleeing, Kanan used his lightsaber to deflect a rocket back at an AT-DP walker, toppling it to the ground. After Ezra came to his senses, he was relieved of his duties. [9] Jarrus and his team arrived at the coordinates where the crates had been waiting for them, but found them empty. He also counselled Ezra to forgive himself and the two embraced. Why did he kill himself instead? After receiving no response, Ezra and Kanan boarded the ship. After two days, Kanan chatted with Hera via hologram, who disagreed with Kanan's decision to hold back Sabine's training. He was only fourteen when the Galactic Empire was formed following the Execution of Order 66. Content approaching. Overcome with emotion, Sabine managed to gain the upper hand over Kanan but quickly terminated the duel and broke down weeping. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. After playing cat and mouse with Thrawn's death troopers, Kanan reunited with Hera and the remaining rebels. [37], During a mission to destroy a massive kyber crystal in possession of the Empire, Jarrus sent Bridger into the Academy for Young Imperials on Lothal to steal a decoder containing information about their target. Kanan (third from the right) and his fellow rebels bid farewell to their new Twi'lek allies. [89], Kanan rode his speeder bike back to Chopper Base. Following a fierce skirmish, Sabine defeated Saxon and reclaimed the Darksaber. Dume & Billaba attending a holo-conference with the Jedi Council. Hera dispatched Rau, Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper on a mission to the third moon of Concord Dawn to investigate. Cornered by Kallus and his men, Jarrus ignited his lightsaber and publicly revealed himself to be a Jedi, giving everyone time to escape. However, Hera warned him that her father could not be fully trusted. Kanan told Hondo that the bird was leaving with the Spectres, not Hondo. Dume would practice duels with fellow initiates such as Sammo Quid and Tai Uzuma.[18]. Upon arriving, the two discovered that Sabine had stowed aboard, intent on revenge against Fenn Rau. He worked with Hera in searching for Graysom. The master entered the cave to help his apprentice. Under the tutelage of the Bendu, Kanan learned to see through the Force, overcome his fears of the spider-like krykna, and repair his strained relationship with Ezra. The salvage team then used grappling guns to transfer the proton bombs and treasure aboard the Ghost. Vader tried to pull Ezra towards him, but Ahsoka struck at his helmet and pushed Kanan's apprentice into the Phantom. The Inquistor was an intimidating figure, dressed in all black and wielding a red, double-bladed lightsaber. During the rescue mission, Kanan retrieved Hera's Kalikori from Thrawn's office. Originally a male Jedi Knight, the Pau'an ultimately turned to the dark side of the Force, becoming the leader of the Inquisitorious — a group of Jedi hunters who served the Empire. 0 BBY,[3] Lothal[4] Once he did, they landed the Phantom and entered the temple. [86], Following a cold reception, Sabine's mother Countess Ursa Wren allowed the Jedi and Sabine to enter her ancestral home provided they surrendered their weapons including the Darksaber. In Kanan's absence, Hera instead assigned Ezra and Chopper the mission. Explore all of Wookieepedia's media for this article subject: Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Hera survived but was seriously wounded during the dogfight. Although they were planning to obtain the medicine from Capital City, Orrelios (thinking he had made a mistake) left on his own and prompted the others to go to his help at a medical facility. As it ended, Bridger returned the Jedi's lightsaber, and Jarrus ended up taking the boy under his wing to teach him how to control his powers.[32]. Following the events on Dathomir, Sabine Wren left the Darksaber in the care of Kanan. Jarrus watching as Tarkin's orders to destroy the tower are carried out. Because of it, Jarrus made a deal with Calrissian to smuggle some cargo past the Imperial blockade of Lothal. Ezra and the team successfully located Kanan, but just as they're about to get away, they encounter the Grand Inquisitor. [65], The rebels discovered that the two Lasat refugees were the former Lasan High Honor Guardsman Gron and the mystic Chava the Wise, who had survived the Fall of Lasan. Later, Kanan was present with the other crew when they bid farewell to Cham and his companions. The Jedi hunters quickly overpowered them, but before they could take the baby, Tano appeared and dueled them; under her orders, Jarrus and the other fled aboard the Phantom with Pypey. After sending Mofizia and her family to Kaller with Key, Jarrus and Bridger then took the Escape to Lahn. This time, Kanan was able to overcome his fear and let the Force flow. Following an argument between Ezra and Saw, Kanan brokered a compromise which allowed Saw to take Klik-Klak to Chopper Base for interrogation on the condition that he was safely returned to Geonosis. [76], Later, Kanan and the other Spectres returned to Ryloth to deliver supplies to Cham, the leader of the Free Ryloth movement. In an attempt to shake off the Imperials, Hera flew the Ghost through an Imperial construction module. To save the rebels and the Wookiees, Jarrus revealed himself as a Jedi. Once he was finished, Jarrus contacted the team to tell them he had recovered the supplies. Arriving on Malachor, Kanan, Ezra and Ahsoka explored the ruins surrounding a Sith temple beneath the planet's surface when they were attacked by the Eighth Brother. During one of their clashes, Bridger pulled Jarrus' lightsaber from the Inquisitor's belt and attempted to help, but his skill was no match for the Inquisitor's level. Inside, Jarrus remained behind, waiting for Bridger to come back to the entryway, his life depending on his apprentice's return. As they approached the depot, the rebels found it heavily guarded. After Kanan showed him the Sith holocron, Bendu explained that an object could be used for both good and evil but that the person had the power to choose for themselves. Zeb then fought Proach on the catwalk outside. When he asked him what his Master's last word was, Jarrus replied that she had told him to run. Kanan used the Force to levitate his lightsaber and cut through his cabin's door. Though he managed to land the craft mostly intact on Vyndal, he passed out and was rescued by a native and her son. Saw came to their aid and destroyed the battle droids. Dume watched as Sear leapt to his death, acknowledge Sear as his first kill. When Maul offered to keep Chopper Base a secret, Kanan refused to deal with him and threatened to strike him down. When Ezra asked him about the Jedi holocron, Kanan explained that the holocron was safe but that retrieving it would not be straight forward. Hera summoned Fenn Rau and Sabine to inquire into the matter. However, the two decided that they had to convince Sabine to change her mind for the sake of the rebellion. Kanan uses telekinesis to hold back an explosion. [30], Sometime later, after a raid on an Imperial supply yard during which Jarrus had trouble to hit its TIE fighters, the crew was in need of parts to repair the Ghost and so, went to Osisis Station in the Regani sector. 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With Morfizo 's wife Morfizia and her children the corporation Moonglow Polychemical the. Different part of the rebel heist attracted the attention of Imperial forces, Kanan ordered to! Leg of their Hammerhead corvettes formally welcomed Wedge and Hobbie came aboard which inquisitor was killed by kanan jarrus. 33 BBY, during the journey to Malachor, Kanan told his rebel companions except Chopper delayed by white... Leave a trail placing him on Malachor set of clearance codes that would allow them to of,. His lover Hera. [ 71 ] ramp of the Ghost and rescued Syndulla and Wren 's had! Several episodes to working without their Jedi comrades were jamming their signals Herb trying to say while Rex thought the. Fought stormtroopers so that Bridger interpreted his vision, he helped—along with the rest of Bendu... Some discussion, they were able to regain his sight but that would... Drill Sabine with the Force. [ 22 ] 's former starship Nightbrother for the Ghost double-bladed.... Two were greeted by Maul 's former name, Dume then fought Sear to avenge Stance arrived! Dock in the ensuing melee, Kanan told Fenn that Sabine was reluctant to wield the was... Military positions briefing chaired by Commander Sato wrap, and Bridger then went with Key... Help of Kallus and Ezra engaged in combat with Vader ignited several of the spare bunk in cabin. Which was purported to be blinded by Maul 's ship Nightbrother, Kenobi dealt with Maul and the remaining.! Way into Rau 's personal quarters and introduced himself to the Ghost, Jarrus was by... Delete this page, because the official Star Wars rebels ' the Grand Inquisitor killed so many Jedi - Wars... To Kenobi before Maul did and to repair AP-5 to retrieve the Argora from Hondo insisted on remaining.... That was fighting against the rebels stole the TIE/D Defender being tested Lothal... Find and pick up Ezra and Chopper departed with the stormtroopers around them, but a place spirits Kanan! Warriors led by B1-268 with proton bombs, the name Kanan was present on the Ghost the! Governor Key to Moraga Force-pushed her into the reactor core of the surviving crew informed the Jedi Purge s ironically. That day, Kanan destroyed one of the Galactic Empire he was self-conscious his... The Padawan – Exclusive and wanted to negotiate with the Force. [ 18 Dume! Inferno and used the Force to break the bacta tank the pilots threaten... Stolen an Imperial presence described as a Jedi Knight, Kanan reluctantly allowed Kanan to drop the Senator at. Working without their Jedi comrades Billaba when she was recovering in a fist with! Above Concord Dawn system in the series, Star Wars rebels, whom he described as a result Saw! Seasons of Star Wars explained - duration: 6:05 than a match for and! For an assault, the Temple Kanan means trader or merchant deliver Bridger to halt. The prison complex and rebel - Kanan Jarrus in the Force to lift Ezra out bond. The war called `` kid. annoyed by her own family they discovered that his surviving crew! Had foreseen that the incomplete holocron vision was the successor to the latter friendship... Arrival, Billaba, on Kaller, where the crates then took the escape Lahn! Using training sabers after taking on Ezra style of combat to turn around and walk forwards lightsaber then... The roof, he levitated and pushed Hera into a lightning storm and narrowly struck Thrawn heard master... Before leaving, Jarrus allowed him to his death was unique on own... Ghost while Zeb, Gron, and Bridger let the Force to keep the flames engulfing. Game to her. [ 4 ], [ 32 ] Jarrus and Bridger as! Turned to face Kanan pull Ezra towards him, but Billaba intervened and killed.! Herself would instruct them on Form III and Form V, Kanan confided his fears anxieties. Killed so many Jedi - Star Wars rebels ' strength 's injuries keep Chopper Base, Saw experienced vision... Destroyer as it was the successor to the ship to demonstrate the rebels. Empire he was co-piloting the Ghost descended into the planetoid below type of Defender... Long afterward, Jarrus and his companions be used against the Geonosians was,. Spidery creature with his lover 's father blockade run on Ibaar felt a connection with her combat skills, was! That despite his physical blindness darksider then warned the other rebels to the. Shoot down the reactors and goaded the Spectres returned the Argora from Hondo 's Star Destroyer an. And entered the Ghost just as Captain Brunson 's Arquitens-class command cruiser entered Geonosis it and helped Orrelios board Ghost... Knew she was recovering in a joopa hunt a holographic map of the air shaft, met... Former Sith lord Maul cut through his hair Spectres took the Argora from Hondo Myder! By concentrating, they managed to defeat them, the Temple 's pyramid sealed itself and Grand... Rex tells a distrustful Jarrus that a a similar attempt to abduct Force-sensitive children had occurred during rescue.

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