Further, the Mauryan empire and the philosophy of the empire was not in tune with the spirit of the time because Aryanism and brahminism was very much there. 46. By whom and where the four lion-head pillar was constructed? 272 - 232 BC. The Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya but reached its zenith under Ashoka. The administration of Mauryan dynasty was controlled by the King. This has been reported by ancient Greek historian Megasthenes. I bought it and found it to be the best available online." The trade routes were called Vanikpatha. Here you can find important and main points regarding General Knowledge which is very useful for you to compete in any exam like SSC, UPSC, and other State Level PSC exam. The concept of non-violence & other similar ideas of Asoka’s Dhamma are identical with the teachings of Buddha. India became united under one rule, and had very prosperous cultural and political years during the Mughal rule. He had the supreme executive, legislative and judicial power and functions in the government. The king, as the head of the administration, was assisted by a council of ministers. Ans. In this task, he was aided and advised by a council of ministers. Tirthas and Adhyakshas in the Mauryan Administration Tirthas and Adhyakshas in the Mauryan Administration (III) Senapatr - omman er-m-c e . These Prostitutes were worked as the spies of the Mauryan Kingdom. Comprising the majority of South Asia, the Maurya Empire was centralized by the conquest of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, and its capital city was located at Pataliputra (modern Patna). The Maurya empire, an Iron Age historical power reigned the Indian subcontinent from 322 BC to 185 BC. … Who was the head of the royal treasury in the Mauryan Empire- Sannidhata. to promote education among the population at large. Q. Bindusara appointed his eldest son Sumana (also named Susima) as his Viceroy at Taxila & Asoka at Ujjain. to set up nurseries to grow medicinal herbs for the use of the common man. Mauryan Empire: State and Society. Good Morning Friends, We are Posting Today’s Prelims Marathon . Senapati was the name for the commander-in-chief. What was the ruling period of Bindusara? Sri Gupta, the founder of the Gupta dynasty was succeeded by- Ghatotkacha. 47. Who did give the lessons of Buddhism to Ashoka? The head of a district (Ahara), the principal coordinator of the revenue and the officer in charge of general and military functions in his jurisdiction during Mauryan Empire was known as A). Gopa. The head of this department was Bandiposhaka. ): Bindusara (297 – 272 B.C): Asoka: Asoka’s Dhamma: Some of the principles put forth for the state were: Some of the principles advocated for individuals were: Measures for propagation: Mauryan Empire- Administration: Mauryan Empire- Art & Architecture: A group of people worked under him in every district. to build road, rest houses & wells for travellers. Who was the head of the royal treasury in the Mauryan Empire- Sannidhata. The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive Iron Age historical power in ancient India, ruled by the Maurya dynasty from 322-185 BCE. They instituted special monitoring systems and a secret police. Kings were described as Devanampriya, Beloved of the Gods. Ashoka, like previous Mauryan kings, was at the head of the centralized administrative system. Mauryan Empire MCQ Questions and answers with easy explanations. Introduction . The head of a district (Ahara), the principal co-ordinator of the revenue and the officer – in-charge of general and military functions in his jurisdiction during Mauryan Empire was known as. The weaknesses of the last Nanda ruler of Magadha Empire paved the way for Chandragupta Maurya to establish his kingdom in Magadha. Ashoka, at Sarnath. Mauryan administration can be divided into four divisions: central, provincial, district and village. Some of the principles put forth for the state were: Some of the principles advocated for individuals were: Other Important Points For Mauryan Empire: Causes For The Decline Of The Mauryan Empire, Download Ancient Indian History By Makkhan Lal, wnload Ancient Indian History By Romila Thapar, Must-Read General Studies Booklist for UPSC IAS Prelims, Must-Read General Studies Booklist for UPSC IAS Prelims in Hindi, Must-Read General Studies Booklist for UPSC IAS Mains, Must-Read General Studies Booklist for UPSC IAS Mains in Hindi, UPSC Topper 2013 Gaurav Agrawal Notes For IAS Preparation, Difference Between Mitochondria and Chloroplasts, Symbiotic and Non-Symbiotic Fixation of Nitrogen. The Mauryan Empire was the first major empire in the history of India, ruled by Maurya dynasty from 321 BC to 185 BCE. The Mauryan empire under Ashoka stretched from the land of Yonas, Kambojas and Gandharas in the Kabul valley and some adjoining territory, to the country of the Andhras in the Godavari-Krishna basin and the district of Isila in the north of Mysore, and from Sopara and Girnar in the west to Dhauli and Jaugada in the east. Mauryan Empire MCQ is important for exams like IBPS, SCC, UPSC, NET etc. It was his duty to protect the life and property of his subjects. 20 seconds . He took all the important decisions of the empire. Consider the following statements: 1.The inscriptions on the pillar at Rummindei give vivid details of Ashoka's Dhamma. 297 - 273 BC. 273 - 297 AD. Ans. This shows that the Mauryan Economy was world’s largest economy and the currency of Mauryas was accepted Worldwide and was main currency of those time. 48. Who was the incharge of a district during Mauryan period? Written by: ForumIAS Posted on December 8th, 2020 Last modified on December 16th, 2020 Comments Views : 3,770. 20 seconds . The Mauryan Empire was the first and one of the greatest empires that were established on Indian soil. Administrative measures suited to the principles of Dhamma. In the Mauryan Empire, who were entrusted with the secretarial work and accounting- Yuktas. SURVEY . As the head of the executive, the Mauryan king maintained social order by punishing the guilty. The Mauryan Empire had the privileged of having successful administrators such as Chandragupta Maurya, Bindusara Maurya and Ashoka the Great. The Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya but reached its zenith under Ashoka. A study of the Arthasastra in conjunction with the edicts provides information […] UPSC: Latest News, IAS, IPS, UPSC Online Preparation, Last updated on November 15, 2016 by Clear IAS Team. The Maurya Empire was a geographically extensive Iron Age historical power based in Magadha and founded by Chandragupta Maurya, which dominated the Indian subcontinent between 322 and 185 BCE. Ans. Comprising the majority of South Asia, the Maurya Empire was centralized by the conquest of the Indo-Gangetic Plain, and its capital city was located at Pataliputra (modern Patna). 49. Who was the incharge of a village during Mauryan period? In the Mauryan Empire, who were entrusted with the secretarial work and accounting- Yuktas. Kautalya’s Arthashastra, Ashoka’s inscriptions, and Megasthenese's accounts collectively are the important sources of the information on various aspects of administration, economy, society, and religion of the people. The king was the source & center of all authority, head of administration, law & justice & also the supreme judge. Chandragupta Maurya : He is also known as “ … The, The name Asoka (Sorrow free) occurs only once in the Maski edict. The Mauryan emperors tried to exercise effective control on all aspects of life and on all institutions. (b) Mauryan City Administration. His Dhamma signifies a general code of conduct. About Prelims Marathon – In this initiative, we post 10 high-quality MCQs daily. The head of Departments 5. Asthanika. 2.The Nigalisagar inscription records the fact of Ashoka having visited the Konagamana stupa. Explanation: Happy New year The Mauryan Empire was divided into 4 provinces with its capital at Patiliputra. The extent of the Sunga kingdom under Pushyamitra extended from Punjab and extended to the southern regions of the Narmada. 48. Who was the incharge of a district during Mauryan period? They instituted special monitoring systems and a secret police. answer choices . He is said to have conquered the land between two seas, presumably the Arabian Sea & the Bay of Bengal. to establish wildlife sanctuaries for the preservation of animals & plants. Tags: Question 4 . Thanx for giving this information it is really very informative, Really helpful but name the village officers during the Mauryan Period I required to know this too, Your email address will not be published. The administration of Mauryan Empire … Your email address will not be published. to ensure fast & effective justice to people. The weaknesses of the last Nanda ruler of Magadha Empire paved the way for Chandragupta Maurya to establish his kingdom in Magadha. #4 Mauryan army was the largest military force of its time. This caused the imperial bureaucracy to split and the empire weakened. The Mauryan Empire was divided into 4 provinces with its capital at Patiliputra. Who controlled a Janapada or a district comprising one hundred villages in the Mauryan Empire- Sthanika. Mauryan administration can be divided into four divisions: central, provincial, district and village. By whom and where the four lion-head pillar was constructed? T he Persian king Cyrus the Great, who ruled during 6th century BCE, is the first known emperor whose army had a strength of more than 500,000.The Mauryan Empire is believed to have had an army of 600,000 infantry, 30,000 cavalry and 9,000 war elephants. 50. The main capital was at Pataliputra. The Mauryan Empire indicates the triumph of monarchy as a political system over tribal republics. SURVEY . The Sungas ruled for over a hundred years. 46. The pradeshika was the head of district administration. Gopa. Out of the numerous pillars erected throughout the extent of the Mauryan empire. 11; 12; 14; 15; Download as PDF . 2 The Edicts of Ashoka give the names of the Mauryan Empire’s four commonplace capitals. In this task, he was aided and advised by a council of ministers. The Mauryan Empire was divided into four provinces with the imperial capital at Pataliputra. chhayabhavsar684 chhayabhavsar684 24 minutes ago Social Sciences Primary School What was the rain functions of a Governor in the Mauryan empire ? Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Like this: … • The king led a strenuous life and there was a well planned system of … On hearing the news of Alexander’s death, Chandragupta … The Mughal Empire ruled hundreds of millions of people. 50. Officers of the Mughal Empire: Easy to Learn Compilation, Officers of the Delhi Sultanate: Easy to Learn Compilation, Officers of the Gupta Empire: Easy to Learn Compilation, Officers during the Vedic Period: Easy to Learn Compilation. The head of the district administration was the Pradeshika. At the central level, the king was the supreme authority. This was close to the Ganges River in the advanced territory of Bihar in India. The Maurya Administration System was Efficient and Monarchical. Pradeshika was used to inspect the areas of the district for every five years. We write simple, easy to understand articles, but always ensure high standards of quality. Involving most of South Asia, the Maurya Empire was incorporated by the triumph of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. (ix) Kunyadhyaksha - Officer of the forest matters (iv) Yuvaraj - Officials belonging to the royal family (x) Ayudhadhyaksha - Officer of weapon manufacturing and (v) Pratihara or … Maurya Dynasty – History Notes – History English notes Maurya Dynasty. [, In his edicts, Asoka assumed two titles –, Accoding to Buddhist sources, Asoka was the son of, 21st year of his reign, he visited Lumbini, the birth place of Buddha & fixed the land revenue at a concessional, He organised the third Buddhist Council (250 B.C.) The Mauryan imperial polity held sway over nearly three quarters of India’s landmass for a period little less than two centuries. Famous monk of his time Upgupta. Let’s read History of Mauraya Empire. These short solved … He also won the Seleucid-Mauryan war. The Mauryan Empire in fact was the first unified Indian state, and it consisted of numerous characteristics inherited from the former political structure and of tribal traditions. As with any other great empire, the genesis of Maurya Empire was in the economic and military strength of its heartland and the ability of its leaders to asset their military power beyond their frontiers. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. During that time, the Maurya Empire was probably the largest empire in the world. Rajuka and yukata are the remaining two officials in the Mauryan empire. Krori The Maury County Sheriff's office said one victim was taken to the hospital for medical treatment and another was found dead in a burned vehicle in a remote area of the county. Tosali (in the east), Ujjain (in the west), Suvarnagiri (in the south) and Taxila (in the north) were the four provincial capitals. Vishnugupta, who was later known as Chanakya or Kautilya, fell out with the Nanda king and vowed to dethrone him. Chandragupta perhaps inspired by Alexander of Macedonia, was raising an army and looking for opportunities to establish a kingdom of his own. The Mauryan Empire was divided into four provinces with the imperial capital at Pataliputra. The central figure of the Mauryan Empire would obviously have been the emperor himself, who reigned from his palace in Pataliputra, in the Mauryan homeland of Magadha on the eastern Ganges. According to one tradition, the designation is derived … The King of The Maurya Government was the head of the Mauryan Empire Administration.. The Mauryan Administration System The Mauryan administration system was efficient and monarchical. The Mauryan Empire was the extensive and most prosperous Empire of that time. His expansion took advantage of the disruptions of local powers in the wake of the withdrawal westward by Alexander the Great’s armies. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The Mauryan Empire was divided into four provinces. The central adminis­tration made … The Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya in 322 B.C. The Mauryan Dynasty was founded by Chandragupta Maurya who was the king from 321 to 298 B.C.The other important rulers of this dynasty were Bindusara and Ashoka. MAURYAN ADMINISTRATION The Mauryan empire was the largest state in the whole of the ancient world, and they form a new government i.e., centralized government THE KINGS: • Kings were described as Devanampriya, beloved of the god. The Mauryan Empire Friday, November 27, 2009. Your email address will not be published. The northern province, called Uttarapatha, had Taxila as its capital; the western province, known as Avantipatha, had its capital in Ujjain; Prachyapatha with its capital Toshali (Kalinga) formed the eastern province while Dakshinapatha with its capital Suvarnagiri was the southernmost province. History of Mauraya Empire. ClearIAS provides free IAS online coaching, guidance, strategies, books, online study-materials and mock tests with a vision that no candidate should be left out of UPSC exam competition due to in-accessibility of expensive IAS classroom coaching. Famous monk of his time Upgupta. The Mauryan emperors tried to exercise effective control on all aspects of life and on all institutions. Greek historians have recorded his name as “Sandrakottus” or “Sandrakoptus”, which are evidently modified forms of Chandragupta. The population of the empire has been estimated to be about 50-60 million making the Mauryan Empire one of the most populous empires of the time. Atmospheric Electricity (Lightning and Thunder). The Sunga dynasty had a line of ten rulers. at Pataliputra presided by. Is written by Chanakya. The Mauryan Empire is believed to have had an army of 600,000 infantry, 30,000 cavalry and 9,000 war elephants. Answer: Rajuka. The king of the Mauryan government was the head of the Mauryan empire administration. Who is the administrative head of a district? Officers of the Mauryan Empire Name Function … At the central level, the king was the supreme authority. There was state-sponsored prostitution during the Mauryan Empire. Archaeologically, the period of Mauryan rule in South Asia falls into the era of Northern Black Polished Ware (NBPW). Rated among the best, emerging online test preparation startups, Clear IAS also offers for free, the popular Clear IAS android app. Chandragupta Maurya was … The decreasing content of silver in the currency also indicate that the royal treasury was depleting and it was not possible to maintain a central administration … Your email address will not be published. KINGDOMS AFTER THE MAURYAN EMPIRE The Sungas. In this post, we are compiling the names and functions of the officers during the Mauryan Period. PLESANT, Tenn. (WTVF) — Two people were arrested in connection to a shooting in Maury County that killed one and injured another. Ans. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Adopt the 3 Strategies for Success in the UPSC Civil Services Exam. Besides these works of art, rock cut caves, palaces and buildings are exemplary as also noted by the Chinese pilgrim Fa-hien. Ans. This history section consists of questions related to Tamil Sangam age and Mauryan empire. The Mauryan empire (322 BC – 185 BC) was the largest to have ever existed in the Indian subcontinent, spanning over 5 million square kilometres. His family is identi­fied by some with the tribe of Moriya mentioned by Greeks. Mauryan Empire Objective Type Questions & Answers for competitive exams. The Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya in 322 B.C. He was responsible for the safety and security of his kingdom. Inspired by Alexander, Chandragupta led a revolt against the Nandas years later and overthrew them. Required fields are marked *. The state raised taxes to finance a huge standing army and a vast bureaucracy. The Mauryan Empire was separated into four territories. The Mauryan Empire (324–185 BCE), based in the Gangetic plains of India and with its capital city at Pataliputra (modern Patna), was one of many small political dynasties of the early historic period whose development included the original growth of urban centers, coinage, writing, and eventually, Buddhism. 49. Who was the incharge of a village during Mauryan period? Written by Megasthenes. Click here to get an answer to your question ️ What was the rain functions of a Governorin the Mauryan empire ? The Maurya Administration System was Efficient and Monarchical. The Mauryan Empire was divided into four provinces with the imperial capital at Pataliputra. The empire was divided into administrative zones, each one having its hierarchy of officials. The village was the smallest unit of an administration. Provinces were divided into districts & had three main officers-, Most important heritage of the Mauryas were the caves-, Asoka & his grandson dedicated these caves to, Coins in circulation during Mauryan period were. Page-14 section-1 Thus, in all probability, the Mauryan Empire had the largest army in the world at the time. Ans. According to Megasthenese, 600,000 infantry, 30,000 cavalry, and 9,000 war elephants were exercised by the empire. Chandragupta established the Mauryan Empire and became its first emperor in 321 BCE. The chief source of income was land revenue, which varied from. Who controlled a Janapada or a district comprising one hundred villages in the Mauryan Empire- Sthanika. The Mauryan empire (322 BC - 185 BC) was the largest to have ever existed in the Indian subcontinent, spanning over 5 million square kilometres. They were Tosali in the east, Ujjain in the west, Suvarnagiri in the south, and Taxila in the north. Chandragupta Maurya extended the Maurya Empire north and west as he vanquished the Macedonian Satrapies. As with any other great empire, the genesis of Maurya Empire was in the economic and military strength of its heartland and the ability of its leaders to asset their military power beyond their frontiers. The Mauryan empire was a centralised empire and after the death of Ashoka, there were a succession of weak rulers who ruled for a short time. Kauntilya's Arthashastra gave a glimpse of this period.Megasthenes was a noble in the court of Selekus Nikator, a general appointed by Alexander to govern over his conquered provinces in the subcontinent.. After Nikator was defeated but Chandragupta, Megasthenes came to Chandragupta’s court. The King of The Maurya Government was the head of the Mauryan Empire Administration.. If the Mauryan Empire did not survive for long, it could be because of the failure of the successors of Asoka to hold on to the principles that could make success of such an empire. Questions are based on the static part of the … This has been reported by ancient Greek historian Megasthenes. Kautilya has said, “administration cannot be the work of one man, just as one wheel cannot drive a vehicle”. Buddhism remained his personal belief. Report an issue . Mauryan Empire. Yuvraj - Crown Prince Tells us about the political administration of the Mauryan Empire. In India, the Mughal Empire was one of the greatest empires ever. Asoka wished that his Dhamma should spread through all social levels. Chandragupta Maurya : He is also known as “ Sandrokottos” or “Androkottos”. Above the gramika was a gopa who was the head of ten villages & the sthanika who controlled a janapada or a district comprising one hundred villages. He was to collect report from th… Mauryan concept of Universal Empire was linked with the extension of Mauryan Empire along with Buddhism through spread of Buddhism beyond the boundaries of India as it is clear that Buddhism spread in the largest part of Asia, i.e. Mauryan Empire Important Facts: Chandragupta Maurya (321-297 B.C. Provincial Administration: The Whole empire was divided into 5 … Originating from the kingdom of Magadha in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (modern Bihar, eastern Uttar Pradesh) in the eastern side of the Indian su… These Mauryan Empire Objective Questions with Answers are important for Board Exams as well as competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, State PSC etc. The one at Saranath which has four lions is the most striking. The unit were formed in district … The king was the supreme and sovereign authority of the Mauryan Empire Administration. This work of art has been used by the Indian Government as its emblem till now. The head of a district (Ahara), the principal co-ordinator of the revenue and the officer – in-charge of general and military functions in his jurisdiction during Mauryan Empire was … The head of a district (Ahara), the principal coordinator of the revenue and the officer in charge of general and military functions in his jurisdiction during Mauryan Empire was known as Issue of Dhamma Lipis & Dhamma stambhas respectively in the form of Rock & pillar edicts. Disorders Caused by Addiction to Narcotic Drugs, Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Reformation and Counter-Reformation Movements, Causes for the Decline of the Mughal Empire, At the young age of 25, dethroned the last. Asthanika. Practicing these Questions and Answers in online helps you to improve your ability to attend the real time competitive exams. The Mauryan Dynasty was founded by Chandragupta Maurya who was the king from 321 to 298 B.C.The other important rulers of this dynasty were Bindusara and Ashoka. 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